Cinquefoil care tips and possible diseases

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The cinquefoil is easy to care for, but you should still take a few points to heart so that diseases and pests don't stand a chance.

The cinquefoil or Potentilla fruticosa is a colorful ornament for every garden. The plant copes wonderfully with our climate and thrives in its native China even under the most extreme conditions. Regardless of whether planted alone or as a hedge, the rose plant is always an eye-catcher. There are now numerous cultivars with different colored flowers and different growth heights. You can read here what you should pay attention to when caring for the cinquefoil.

Watering the cinquefoil properly

The cinquefoil is robust and forgives some care mistakes. However, this does not apply to prolonged drought. Once the roots have dried up, the plant can no longer absorb nutrients and withers. Regular watering is therefore necessary, especially in very dry summer weather when the soil dries out quickly. Plants prefer full sun, which promotes profuse flowering but unfortunately also drying out of the soil.

Already when planting, the high liquid requirement of the plant must be taken into account. It is best to smother the shrub well in the planting hole before the last layer of substrate is applied. Watering is necessary regularly, the soil must not dry out completely. In addition, however, waterlogging should also be avoided, which requires a certain amount of finesse when watering.

➔ Tip: A layer of mulch protects the soil from drying out.

Fertilize cinquefoil properly

The cinquefoil must not lack moisture. If the plant is watered sufficiently, its survival is virtually assured. When it comes to the supply of nutrients, the rose plant is rather modest. A nutrient-poor soil is even an advantage, since an oversupply of nutrients can have a negative effect on flowering.

Nevertheless, fertilization does not have to be completely avoided. In spring, a small dose of complete fertilizer can stimulate growth. In early summer, nettle manure or horn shavings can contribute to general strengthening.

➔Tip: One-sided fertilization with nitrogen should be avoided.

From July, the cinquefoil will no longer receive fertilizer. If you continue to fertilize, you risk that new growth will occur before winter sets in. This harms the otherwise hardy plant.

Fingerbush: a brief introduction to some beautiful varieties

TypeSpecial feature
Red AceThis variety grows up to 70 centimeters in height and is also suitable for balcony boxes or as a hedge plant.
The flowering period extends from June to October.
The flowers shine in an impressive red-orange.
LeprechaunThis species reaches heights of growth between 50 and 80 centimetres.
Kobold flowers from May until October.
This cinquefoil is very attractive as a hedge plant.
The plate-shaped Flowers are characterized by a bright shade of yellow.
Abbotswood Abbotswood can grow up to a meter tall.
The plant requires little maintenance and is resistant to powdery mildew.
The white flowers appear between June and October.
DaydawnDaydawn grows up to a meter in height.
This species is very popular as a hedge plant.
The large salmon-colored flowers contrast nicely with the light green foliage and appear between June and October.
GoldfingerGoldfinger can be described as a giant among the finger shrubs.
The plant grows more than one meter high and impresses with its golden-yellow flowers up to three centimeters in size between early summer and autumn.

Does the cinquefoil have to be pruned?

It is not absolutely necessary to prune the cinquefoil regularly. However, if there is a need to do a topiary or cut back most of the plant to redefine the crown, this is easily possible. The rose plants tolerate pruning very well and will reliably sprout again even after pruning back into the old wood.

➔ Tip: Fingerbushes are best pruned in early spring. This promotes compact and bushy growth.

Detect diseases and pests

The cinquefoil is a robust plant that withstands even extreme conditions and forgives some care mistakes without reacting with leaf fall. But the cinquefoil can also be attacked by diseases from time to time. Specifically, there may be:

  • Leaf spot disease
  • Iron chlorosis
  • Mildew
  • Aphids

» leaf spot disease

This is the most common cinquefoil disease. The cause is a fungus. The disease can be recognized by the leaf spots, which are brownish to reddish yellow. Leaf spot disease is caused by various care mistakes.


  • The plant is too wet.
  • The bottom is too firm.
  • The plant needs light.

All affected leaves should be removed. The cut leaves do not belong in the compost, but in the household waste.

The pruning tools used must be thoroughly disinfected after use so that the disease is not transmitted to other plants. Advanced infestation should be treated with a fungicide. Biological measures have no effect in this case. It will often be necessary to discard the shrub.

» Iron chlorosis

Iron chlorosis is caused by iron deficiency. This is usually equivalent to an excess of lime in the soil. The unbalanced soil conditions disturb the chlorophyll formation of the plant. The result is stunted plants with yellow leaves. A soil analysis provides certainty about iron chlorosis. As a countermeasure, special iron compounds are injected.

➔ Tip: Adding humus can ensure a slightly acidic environment in the soil and thus prevent excess lime.

» powdery mildew

If the leaves of the cinquefoil are covered with a grey-white coating that can be stripped off the leaves like flour, powdery mildew is suspected. The fungus comes in the form of powdery mildew and downy mildew. Powdery mildew is easy to recognize because it spreads on the upper side of the leaves and can also affect the buds and shoots. Downy mildew will probably go unnoticed for a longer period of time, because this fungal growth only spreads on the undersides of the leaves.

Powdery mildew is mostly due to unfavorable site conditions. The plants should not be too dense or exposed to strong temperature changes. In the event of an infestation, all affected parts of the plant must be removed and disposed of with household waste. Spraying nettle manure or garlic broth can help with a mild infestation.

» Aphids

The cinquefoil is hardly attacked by pests. However, aphids scarcely stop at any plant. The aphid infestation is comparatively harmless. Are the leaves curling or puckering?themselves, the small green, yellow or black culprits can usually be seen on the underside of the leaves or on the shoots.

A shower with a hard jet of water often helps against aphid infestation. Soapy water or a milk-water solution can also be used.