In the past, hardly anyone dared to plant kiwis. Today, however, this is no longer a problem because many varieties are hardy. They even thrive in pots now.

And you will also be able to harvest plenty of fruit. However, you must know from the outset that there must usually be at least two plants, because kiwis need a male and a female plant to fertilize each other. Simply place the male plant a few meters away from the female kiwi plants - it can pollinate four to six female plants.
Why plant in a tub?
Planting kiwis in containers has a great advantage. You can place the plants in a warmer location on very cold days. Finally, some varieties are vulnerable to frost. Alternatively, you can attach a cold protection made of fleece, fir twigs or wood wool in the winter time. Simply attach it around the foot and the kiwi is already sufficiently protected against frosty nights.
Growing kiwis in a bucket is not difficult
The merry month of May is considered the most favorable time of year for planting kiwis, whether in a tub or in the garden. We recommend that you opt for early kiwi plants because you can expect a kiwi harvest much faster this way than using seeds.
And this is how it's done:
1Take a pot that holds at least 30 liters, because a large pot ensures better growth and therefore a richer harvest. It is also important that there are holes in the bottom of the bucket, as these ensure that excess water can drain off.
2For good drainage, first put some coarse gravel (filling height approx. 5 cm) or something similar in the bucket. Then insert fleece before adding a mixture of peat and garden soil (1:1) to the pot. For easier watering, it is advisable not to fill it up to the brim. Subsequentlyplant the kiwi plant.
3Now all that's missing is a suitable location. This must be sunny, but also sheltered. Since the kiwi is a climbing plant, it needs a house wall or climbing frame. If you don't have space outside the bucket, you can also press three bamboo sticks, each about 1.80 meters long, into the ground and then simply tie them together in the middle.