Disturbing the peace caused by barking dogs - 3 tips

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Disturbing the peace caused by barking dogs is a frequent topic of dispute among neighbors. There are guidelines for how often and for how long a dog can bark.

Dogs bark now and then. It's in their nature. However, there are always people who are bothered by the neighbor's dog barking. This often leads to neighborly quarrels.

While some people complain when they bark briefly, others only feel disturbed when they bark continuously. And it is not uncommon for such disputes to lead to court proceedings, so that there are various court decisions on this subject. From these you can derive what you have to accept and what not.

When will barking dogs become a disturbance?

Whether a dog barking is a disturbance of the peace usually depends on the time of day and the duration of the barking. Incidentally, not only barking, but also constant howling or whimpering can represent a disturbance of the peace

Dogs barking during rest periods

In Germany there are no generally applicable rest periods, but these are regulated in the respective state law or explicitly for the municipalities. Usually the night hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. and also the midday hours between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. apply. In addition, Sundays and public holidays are considered rest days - the rest period extends from midnight to midnight.
These rest periods also apply to dogs. This means that barking during this time is a disturbance.

Tip: If you are renting, you will find the applicable quiet times in the house rules.

Barking outside quiet hours

If dogs bark a lot on weekdays outside of the rest periods, this can also be considered a disturbance of the peace. The guideline here is that dogs are not allowed to bark for more than 15 minutes at a time and for no longer than 30 minutes throughout the day. However, one has to differentiate here. Because in the country, barking dogs is considered reasonable, so the courts here would be more relaxed. But even here there are limits. If a dog barks continuously for hours, nobody has to put up with it.

What to do if the dog barking disturbs the peace?

If you are bothered by the barking of dogs, for the sake of peace, you shouldfirst try to talk to the neighbor concerned. If this conversation does not change the existing situation, you can contact the responsible public order office. This can determine appropriate measures with which the dog owner can eliminate the disturbance caused by his dog. It can also impose a fine. Sometimes such a dispute ends up in court. Then a judge will decide.

» By the way: Disturbing the peace caused by barking dogs is not precisely regulated by law. Therefore, the judges usually orientate themselves on existing court decisions

What measures can prevent dogs barking from disturbing the peace?

If the dog barking disturbs the peace, the dog should be housed in such a way that the barking is no longer a disturbance. Another option is to get your dog to stop barking. This is a much more pleasant solution for both dog and owner.

Tip: There is a successful guide by dog trainer Johanna Esser that deals very well with the problem of barking dogs and has proven itself many times over.