Propagating azaleas - It's that easy

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Spring is here. Then you can propagate your azaleas by cuttings. But beware! There are a few things to consider.

There are plants that we just can't get enough of. The azaleas are undoubtedly one of them. And if you like a plant so much, then it makes sense to grow a few offspring from it yourself.

If everything goes well, you will soon be able to enjoy the rich flowering in multiple forms.

Propagating azaleas is not difficult, but there are some important things to keep in mind. That's why I'm going to explain to you here exactly how it works.

Propagating azaleas from cuttings - explained step by step

The easiest way to propagate azaleas - and rhododendrons - is by cuttings. These consist of fairly fresh shoots that can be removed from the mother plant, trimmed and planted. We'll explain how it works in just a few steps:

1 In spring, when the mother plant is producing new shoots, cut off the leafy branches when they are about three inches long. Make sure that the shoot does not have any buds, as the buds take away the strength that the shoot needs for new root formation. If you do cut a branch with a bud, remove the bud.

You can of course also take the cutting from the mother plant later in the year. However, the danger that buds have already formed is greater towards autumn.

2 Now remove the lower leaves from the removed branch. Only a few leaves should remain in the upper area. If there is a terminal bud on the power car, carefully break it off. It would draw power from the cutting.

3 In the next step you can shorten the remaining leaves by half, i.e. cut them off practically in the middle. This process is not absolutely necessary, but it will help the azalea to develop roots because the leaves will no longer grow. Now carefully cut the stalk of the cuttings with a sharp knife. When cutting, halve the lower part of the stem until you can see the wood, i.e. the core of the stem.

4 The prepared cutting is now coming ina flower pot that you fill with a mixture of two thirds sand and one third peat. Alternatively, you can of course also use special azalea soil. Place the cutting in the pot, making sure the soil is moist but not wet.

5 To influence rooting, place a clear plastic bag over the pot.

Azalea cutting location

Since the plastic bag in your flowerpot greenhouse already creates high humidity and a certain amount of warmth, you can choose the location for the cuttings in the way that is typical for azaleas: cool and shady. As a rule, rooting takes up to twelve weeks. Only when the roots have formed and the cutting appears strong can you take it outdoors or place it in a flower pot of your choice.

» My tip: Always keep the soil moist during rooting, but never wet. Like all rhododendrons, azaleas do not like waterlogging. To prevent the soil from getting soaked, place gravel or coarser pebbles in the lower part of the pot so that the irrigation water can collect at the bottom.