Creating a raised bed on the balcony - you have to pay attention to all this

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A lot of people think that a raised bed is only for the garden. But that's not true. It is also suitable for the balcony. You just need to keep a few things in mind.

A raised bed is really something fine. Not just because it looks beautiful, but because it offers so many benefits. Raised beds, for example, are much easier to work with than normal beds. You no longer have to bend down and thus protect your back. In addition, the plants get more light because they are planted higher. On top of that, raised beds are not easily attacked by pests. Snails, for example, have a particularly difficult time.

But the best thing is that a raised bed can be created almost anywhere. Even on the balcony. Yes, even if you live in a rented apartment and can only use a balcony, you don't have to do without a raised bed. You only have to pay attention to a few things when laying it out, because the raised bed must not be as big as the one in the garden, for example. In addition, it is limited by the load capacity of the balcony. But these are by no means reasons not to have a raised bed on the balcony. You just have to know how to avoid these problems.

You have to consider all this when investing

» Check the load-bearing capacity of the balcony:

A raised bed on the balcony can be either close to the ground or on feet. The latter option is always the best. I'll explain why later. It is only important that the raised bed is not too heavy for the small balcony. It is therefore essential that you first find out about the load-bearing capacity of your balcony and then decide how big the raised bed should be.

» Prefer table raised bed:

It is best to opt for a raised bed that stands on feet. This saves space because you can store something under the raised bed. Perfect for small balconies. In addition, these raised beds do not weigh as much because they hold significantly less plant substrate. And that in turn doesn't put so much strain on the balcony slab.

You don't even have to buy it. You can build a raised bed yourself. According to your own ideas and wishes. I found instructions for an unusual raised bed on, for example.

»Lay out filter fleece:

If you decide on a raised bed that stands on the ground, then lay out a filter fleece on the ground. It replaces ground contact and prevents soil from being washed out when it rains. So you don't have to worry about a dirty balcony.

» Layer the raised bed correctly:

Regardless of whether you choose a classic or a table raised bed, you have to fill it correctly. That doesn't mean pure earth and you're done. A raised bed always consists of several layers. According to, there are 5 layers that should be built up like this from bottom to top:

  1. Potters of pottery, large pebbles and prunings as a drainage layer
  2. Earth
  3. Green cuttings/leaves
  4. Stable manure/compost
  5. sifted compost or flower/top soil

Since the balcony raised bed is a mini variant, the layers do not have to be as thick as in a normal raised bed.

» Plant raised bed properly:

If the raised bed is properly layered, you can start planting. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind here. Since you have filled the raised bed with rich compost or manure and good soil, it is now full of nutrients. You must therefore plant heavily consuming plants in the first year. Then in the following year moderate consumers and the year after that again weak consumers. Here is a small overview of which types of vegetables belong to the individual groups:

Weak Eater:Medium consumption:Heavy Eater:
French beans
Lamb's lettuce
Savoy cabbage
Brussels Sprouts

» Combine vegetables and herbs correctly:

For plants to thrive, you need to make sure you're planting the right mix. Not all types of vegetables get along with each other. It is best to only ever plant mixtures that harmonize very well with each other. Potatoes go very well with spinach and kohlrabi, for example. And beetroot likes neighbors like dill and onions. I found other combinations on