Remove dirt from the tombstone, loosen and fertilize the soil, select and plant new flowers: after the winter there is a lot to do at the grave.
Like the garden, graves also have to be cleaned up after the winter. After all, the cold, snow and wind leave their mark. In addition, in spring it will be time to bring a breath of fresh air to the grave. For example in the form of flowers, bushes and decorative elements. In order for the plants to grow well, however, the right soil preparation is of course the be-all and end-all. Here is an overview of all tasks after the winter.
What to do after the cold season
» Loosen the soil and apply fertilizer:
Early spring is the right time to prepare the grave soil for the growth phase of the new year. To do this, loosen the soil with a sturdy rake or a shovel and remove any weeds that are already visible. The more thorough you are, the less unwanted wild growth will bother you in summer. Also apply a slow release fertilizer to the soil and rake it in.
If you have planted parts of the grave with evergreen groundcovers such as ivy, prickly nuts or dwarf medlars, there is of course no need to prepare the soil in the densely rooted areas.
» Select early bloomers for the grave:
When designing the grave in spring, you can choose between many different early flowering plants. Very suitable are for example:
- crocuses
- Pansies
- Wood Anemone
- Forget-me-nots
- Hyacinths
- Primroses
- Violet
- preferred tulips
But always keep the light conditions on the grave in mind when deciding on one or the other plant. For example, primroses do not particularly like exposure to the midday sun; Crocuses, on the other hand, thrive in full sunlight, while wood anemones also thrive in a continuously shaded spot.
Another important point: In order for flowers to bloom continuously on the grave until the summer, it is recommendedCombine plants with different flowering periods. This is how the famous impressionist Claude Monet did it in his garden. The spring crocus, for example, blooms as early as February, hyacinths bloom from March to April, wood anemones from March to May and some varieties of forget-me-not decorate the grave with flowers until June. If extensive planting is too complex for you, you can use potted plants as an alternative.
» Remove winter damage to the tombstone:
In winter, severe frost often takes a toll on the headstone and the border of the grave. Therefore, examine in the spring whether you can discover new cracks or chipped areas on the surface of the stone or other damage. If repair work is necessary, you should have this carried out by a specialist in order to preserve the harmonious overall appearance of the grave.
» Remove moss from tombstone:
Even moss sometimes spreads on the gravestone in the cold season. All you need to remove it is a stiff brush, a bucket and some water. The moss can be removed even more easily and thoroughly if you use a commercially available moss remover, often also called green growth remover (e.g. available here), which will keep the gravestone clean for several years.