Creating a flower bed - 3 basic criteria you need to know beforehand

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A flower bed is a feast for the eyes once it has been laid out. However, there are a few things to consider beforehand so that the flower bed project does not fail.

Even if a garden is often laid out as a kitchen garden, beauty must not be neglected. Flowers in all possible colors are the centerpiece of your garden, if they are planted with care. You can already see that creating a flower bed can be quite a time-consuming job, but after this one-off action you have an eye-catcher that everyone will envy you for.

In your mind you can already see how everything is sprouting, but it's not quite that fast. You need a plan, and it is best to make it on site, i.e. in your garden. Step by step it is necessary to think about where and how to create the flower bed.

1. Location & Size

The size and shape of your flower bed depends on the local conditions. The more space you have, the better. First of all, think about the shape of the flower bed. Curved beds, in the form of a "wave", loosen up a long, rectangular garden enormously. If you want to start something smaller, a flower border is sufficient, laid out parallel to the garden path. In any case, it is important that you can get to all the flowers later and do not have to work your way through the discounts like an artist. In case of doubt, also create intermediate routes.

The condition of the ground is rarely optimal. A previously unused space must first be cleaned. This means you remove weeds from your future bed and then loosen it up. So that the flowers can later grow well, the soil must be water-permeable. If waterlogging forms, as is often the case with loamy soil, the plants can rot (for loamy soil, follow the tips from the Boden Fachzentrum).

2. Choice of Flowers and Arrangement

Either you already know exactly which flowers should decorate your future border, or you need inspiration. In the first case: Congratulations! In the latter case, just read on here.

You have favorite flowers? Then it isit goes without saying that these plants will find a place on your flower bed. For further selection, it is best to pay attention to the respective growth height. Flowers or perennials, which you can find in plenty at, are best planted from "large" to "small". Tall plants in the back row, low-growing flowers in front. This results in a harmonious overall picture.

A second tip I would like to give you is to plant after flowering. Even though most flowers have their main flowering period in spring and summer, with a little thought you can have a magnificent flower bed all year round. Here are some suggestions:

Spring Bloomers

  • crocuses
  • Daffodils
  • Snowdrop
  • Tulips
  • March Mug
  • Primroses
  • Ranunculus

Summer bloomers

  • Geraniums
  • Petunias
  • gladiolus
  • Dahlias
  • Roses
  • Pearl Piers
  • Coneflower
  • Bellflower
  • Chocolate Flower

Autumn bloomers

  • Fat hen
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Autumn Aster
  • Monkshood
  • Autumn Crocus
  • Autumn Anemone

Winter Bloomers

  • Fragrance Snowball
  • Winter Jasmine
  • Christmas Rose
  • Witch Hazel
  • Winter Cherry
  • Smurberry
  • Winter mahonia
  • Winterling

Extra tip: A bed border is not mandatory, but I recommend an edging. This makes subsequent bed care much easier, weeds are "slowed down", lawn mowing is easier.

3. Consider maintenance effort

They really do exist, the hobby gardeners who see gardening as pure relaxation and can really relax by pulling weeds. For most gardeners, however, this is more of a nuisance. If you belong to the latter faction, then consider that a flower bed also needs some maintenance.

Slow-growing plants are a way of reducing maintenance effort, because you don't have to constantly use pruning shears to cut off faded flowers and stems. You can keep weeds in check by inserting a water- and air-permeable fleece in the soil, for example. This at least prevents weeds from spreading deep into the ground. Above ground, a layer of mulch helps keep weeds between the plantsto contain.