The Easter days are over and the eggs are slowly but surely being eaten. Most of them probably still have one or the other egg carton left over from dyeing. Instead of throwing it in the trash or going straight back to the organic farmer, as is usually the case, you can easily make a greenhouse out of egg cardboard. The mini greenhouse is perfect for growing flowers and vegetables.
Small greenhouses for sowing aren't expensive in stores either, but if you can find something cheaper, you're more than welcome to try it out. In his video above, kleigafo shows you how quickly you can conjure up a greenhouse from a simple egg carton. It is completed in minutes and ready to use. If you don't have the chopsticks used in the video at home, you can use drinking straws instead. This works just as well.
My tip:Make sure your greenhouse is ventilated regularly. Otherwise, the warm and humid temperature could quickly lead to the formation of mold on the seed soil.
If the plants are big enough, you can prick them out and then transfer them to larger pots or to the bed.