Pruning the almond tree - this is how you get the shape & Willingness to bloom

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Almond trees need a topiary from time to time. However, you have to pay attention to a few things and must not apply the scissors indiscriminately.

There are several types of pruning for almond trees. One usually speaks of maintenance and rejuvenation cuts/education cuts. In the case of maintenance pruning, all shoots that do not match the direction of growth are removed. The cut ensures he althy and strong plants. Rejuvenation pruning only thins out the tree or shrub. This pruning removes old, non-flowering shoots and prevents the spread of disease.

Don't worry, almond trees are not sensitive to pruning as long as three to five main branches remain. So you can't go far wrong.

Correct procedure for maintenance cut

The maintenance cut gives the almond tree a beautiful look and keeps the plant he althy. You can make this cut at any time.

How to do it:

Remove any shoots that are growing in the wrong direction, sprouting wildly or are too thin. Cut off very thin shoots completely. Crossing shoots must be cut off near the branch or trunk. Wild shoots can form on the trunk or from the root. You must remove these shoots completely.

Correct procedure for rejuvenation cuts/education cuts

The tapering cut, also known as the "education cut", also ensures he althy and vigorous growth. This promotes the joy of flowering and, in the case of almond trees with edible fruits, the harvest yield. In addition, pruning prevents the spread of fungal diseases. In dense, lush treetops, evaporation is poor. A thinning cut creates better conditions.

The right time for pruning for rejuvenation is after flowering, i.e. in May, June at the latest. In the case of fruit-bearing almond trees, cut immediately after harvesting. Pick a rain-free, slightly cloudy day and get started!

How to do it:

Shorten all fresh shoots by half on young plants. With older plants, cut back the young shoots so that only a few eyes per shootstay. Old and dead wood is also removed in the process. If you spot signs of peak drought, cut back to he althy wood. You can recognize the fungal disease by the withered, dried-up shoot tips.

Regularly cut almond trees branch more often and bear many flowers. The tree stays strong. In addition, you can curb uncontrolled growth with the cut. Don't worry, almond trees will sprout in abundance after cutting and will forgive you if you have cut off one or the other branch too much.


  • Topiary possible at any time of the year
  • for removing incorrectly growing branches, too thin shoots and wild shoots
  • Rejuvenation pruning after flowering in May
  • shorten all new shoots by half for young plants
  • shorten young shoots on older plants to a few eyes
  • Prune fruit-bearing varieties after harvest
  • make sure that some leading branches remain