Trees 2025, March

Planting conifers - when is the best time for it?

Planting conifers - when is the best time for it?

Anyone who is considering planting conifers in their garden should do so now, because autumn is the best time to plant them. You can find out more about this here.

Pests on conifers - How are they fought?

Pests on conifers - How are they fought?

If you discover pests on conifers, you should do something about them as soon as possible. Most can severely damage the conifers. Read more.

Care for conifers - 5 tips

Care for conifers - 5 tips

Caring for conifers is actually quite easy because they are extremely robust. Nevertheless, it is best to follow our 5 care tips.

Testing spruce for lice

Testing spruce for lice

If the spruce needles are yellowing, this could be due to the Sitka spruce aphid. We tell you how to test your spruce for lice. For this you need a piece of paper. Read more.

Sweet gum - planting, pruning &

Sweet gum - planting, pruning &

The sweetgum tree is a real eye-catcher in the front yard with its attractive leaf colour. It is extremely easy to care for and can be planted under simple conditions.

Planting under trees: Small companions for the giants in your garden

Planting under trees: Small companions for the giants in your garden

Under many trees it looks bare and dull. This can easily be changed with an underplanting. Read here which plants are suitable for which tree species.

Lime fruit trees - how it's done

Lime fruit trees - how it's done

Lime fruit trees? Surely you have heard of it before. For those who don't know why it's done or how it's actually done, here's an explanation.

Transplant a tree – 11 important tips

Transplant a tree – 11 important tips

A proverb says: You don't transplant an old tree! But with our tips and a little perseverance, transplanting the tree shouldn't be a problem.

Planting and caring for Ginkgo - That's how it's done

Planting and caring for Ginkgo - That's how it's done

The ginkgo has long been revered as a strengthening tree, which is why many plant it in their gardens. Read here how you can plant and care for ginkgo.

Mulberry tree: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Mulberry tree: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Nothing can damage the mulberry tree so quickly. However, it can happen that spider mites settle, which in the best case are simply showered off.

Planting the tree of gods - special features and instructions

Planting the tree of gods - special features and instructions

The tree of heaven is not for everyone because it spreads very quickly. If you still want to plant it, you can find the exact instructions here.

Hazelnut tree - cultivation and care

Hazelnut tree - cultivation and care

Hazelnuts from your own garden still taste best. So that your hazelnut tree also bears plenty of nuts, here are our tips for growing and caring for the tree.

Propagating Norway maple - 3 possibilities explained in detail

Propagating Norway maple - 3 possibilities explained in detail

Norway maple is not suitable for every garden because of its size. If you already have a tree, you can multiply it in three different ways.

Planting weeping willow - planting instructions & Tips on location and substrate

Planting weeping willow - planting instructions & Tips on location and substrate

Weeping willows make a great addition to the garden, but they also require a lot of space that needs to be planned for when planting. What many people don't know: Weeping willows can also be kept in pots.

Norway maple - detecting and combating diseases and pests

Norway maple - detecting and combating diseases and pests

The Norway maple is very robust, but the plant is not immune to some diseases. Verticillium wilt in particular can cause considerable damage to Norway maples.

Planting the flame tree – the right approach for the flamboyant

Planting the flame tree – the right approach for the flamboyant

The flame tree brings color to the garden. But because he is not used to our weather conditions, there are a few things to consider when planting.

Plant bluebell tree

Plant bluebell tree

With its considerable size, the bluebell tree is not for allotment gardens. If you have the space, you can also plant the imposing tree with us.

Propagating juniper - 3 ways with instructions

Propagating juniper - 3 ways with instructions

Who wants to propagate juniper. You will find three options with corresponding instructions here. But this project will not be an easy task.

Juniper: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Juniper: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Thanks to special breeding, the juniper is very robust and less susceptible to diseases. Some fungi and various pests can still cause problems for the coniferous plant.

Cutting juniper - tips and tricks for a successful hedge and topiary

Cutting juniper - tips and tricks for a successful hedge and topiary

Junior is generally undemanding, but does need pruning from time to time. Find out when and how to best prune juniper here.

Watering and fertilizing juniper - this is how you do it right

Watering and fertilizing juniper - this is how you do it right

The juniper is adaptable and robust. However, it only thrives if properly cared for. The main thing here is watering and fertilizing.

Iron tree - plants, care & pruning

Iron tree - plants, care & pruning

The iron tree is a real ornament in the garden in both autumn and spring. Although it is not one of the fastest-growing plants, it is extremely easy to care for.

Propagating black walnut trees - 2 options in comparison

Propagating black walnut trees - 2 options in comparison

If you can't get enough of black walnuts, you can propagate a black walnut tree. We'll tell you exactly how that works here.

Black walnut care - especially important for young plants

Black walnut care - especially important for young plants

The black walnut tree is an impressive plant that requires care primarily in the first years of growth. Fertilizing, watering and cutting are here.

Norway maple care - instructions for watering, fertilizing and cutting

Norway maple care - instructions for watering, fertilizing and cutting

You might think trees don't need a lot of attention. If you have a Norway maple in your garden, you should heed a few care tips.

Care for the Korean fir - tips for outdoors and in containers

Care for the Korean fir - tips for outdoors and in containers

If the Korean fir is planted outdoors, it is actually quite easy to care for. There are some special features when planting in containers.

Replanting a tree correctly - Instructions & Tips

Replanting a tree correctly - Instructions & Tips

If you notice that a tree that has already been planted is not in the right place, you can replant it. However, there are a few measures to be observed.

Planting the baobab tree - tips and instructions for planting in containers

Planting the baobab tree - tips and instructions for planting in containers

The baobab tree is exotic in our latitudes, but can be kept in the room or on the terrace if a few planting tips are followed.

Andentair - planting, caring for and overwintering

Andentair - planting, caring for and overwintering

The Andean fir, which is known in the technical jargon as Araucaria araucana, is also known as Chilean ornamental fir, Chilean fir or snake tree

Cutting the spherical tree: tips for the most popular types of spherical tree

Cutting the spherical tree: tips for the most popular types of spherical tree

Globe trees make something optical and decorate many a front garden. In our guide we explain what needs to be considered when pruning the individual species.