Orchids: Flowers fall off - what to do?

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Your orchid blossoms are falling off and you are wondering why? Mistakes in care are often the cause of the flowers falling off.

When orchids (Orchidaceae) bloom, there is great joy, but the exhilaration does not always last. It is not uncommon for the buds to dry up and the flowers to fall off. If the easy-care plant suddenly causes problems, there is often helplessness. But there is not always cause for concern, because dropped flowers are in the nature of the plant. The following guide provides information about the causes of the flower drop and reveals how you can keep the flowers of your favorite plants for a long time.

Orchid flowers fall off - causes

Orchid flowers usually last for several weeks before they eventually dry up and fall off. If the pretty, filigree flowers fall off shortly after they have blossomed or if the plant even loses its buds, this can have various causes. Before appropriate measures are taken, it is important to find out the cause of the flower wilting or bud drop.

The following causes can be considered:

  • Start of dormancy
  • Drought
  • Waterlogging
  • Cold
  • Air Dryness
  • Change of location
  • wrong substrate
  • Heat
  • Pests
  • Fruit near plants

Care mistakes as a cause of falling flowers

The dropping of the flowers usually indicates care mistakes and can be understood as an alarm signal, so to speak. Appropriate measures should be taken as soon as possible, otherwise the damage may worsen and the plant may die.

❶ Note the rest period!

In one particular case, there is nothing to worry about and it is perfectly normal for orchids to shed their flowers - this is when the natural dormant phase interrupts plant growth.

When dormancy is initiated, plants will begin to wither, whether they are in bloom or not. First, the flowers at the shoot tips wither. Gradually all the buds and flowers fall off.

The plants need special care during the dormant phase. Orchids do not receive one during this timeFertilizer and should move to a cooler location. The watering is also reduced. However, the substrate must not dry out.

The end of the dormant period is signaled by the formation of new shoots by the plant. Sometimes the rest period can last for several months. With the formation of new shoots, the orchid moves to a warmer location and receives the usual care.

❷ Adjust lighting conditions!

Poor lighting conditions are a common reason for orchid flowers to fall off. In general, orchids need a lot of light. In particular, the genus Phalaenopsis, which occurs in abundance in our living rooms, should be given a light stand. However, orchids do not tolerate blazing midday sun. Intense sunlight means that the plant evaporates a lot of water through the leaves and is no longer sufficiently supplied with moisture. Flower drop is a result of this lack of fluid. There is also a risk that the leaves will burn.

In their original environment, orchids grow as epiphytes. The roots are not in the ground, but are stretched out towards the light from tree branches or rocky outcrops.

There should always be enough light. There can be a lack of light, especially in the autumn and winter months. The orchids are then unable to carry out their photosynthesis as usual and the flowers wither and are dropped.

What to do?

  • choose bright location
  • avoid blazing midday sun
  • Avoid location on the south window in summer
  • extend lighting duration with daylight lamps in winter

❸ Avoid temperature fluctuations!

For orchids to bloom profusely, they need consistent temperatures. Even temperature fluctuations in the range of +/- 5 degrees Celsius can be enough to shed the flowers.

In winter, the risk of flowering is particularly high due to temperature differences. Even leaky windows and airing on cold days can be enough to trigger the flowers to fall off.

Orchids do not tolerate a place above the heater. There the heating air rises and a draft is created to which orchids can react by dropping their leaves. Constant draft leads to a cold shock. It is a good idea to monitor the temperature at the flower window.

What to do?

  • Ensure constant temperatures
  • Attach a thermometer to monitor the temperature
  • Temperature fluctuations fromavoid more than five degrees
  • Temperature should not fall below 15 degrees
  • Avoid Draft
  • Do not place orchids over the heater
  • Do not ventilate directly at the flower window
  • Be careful when buying orchids in winter

Tip: Be careful when buying orchids in winter. Plants may have already experienced a cold shock and shed buds shortly after purchase.

Optimal temperatures for popular orchid species

Orchid TypeDay TemperatureNight Temperature
Phalaenopsis20 to 25 degrees18 to 25 degrees
Vanda25 to 27 degrees20 to 22 degrees
Cattleya25 to 30 degrees18 to 22 degrees

❹ Provide humidity!

In the natural home of orchids there is high humidity. The rainfall tendency in the rainforests is high. In order to ensure these conditions on the windowsill, the humidity should be between 40 and 60 percent. If the humidity is too low or too high, falling flowers are a typical reaction.

What to do?

  • Spray plants daily
  • Fill the coaster with water
  • Water bowls on the heater (in winter)
  • Set up ultrasonic humidifier
  • Check humidity regularly

❺ keep location!

Orchids love a permanent place. If the plants are transported to a cooler location during the dormant phase, this will be tolerated without any problems. However, a constant change of location should be avoided. Flower drop can be understood as a stress reaction of the plant.

Tip: A change of location should only be made after flowering has taken place.

❻ Keep away from fruit!

If the orchid is placed next to a fruit bowl, blossom fall is inevitable. This circumstance is known to very few flower lovers, but it can be easily explained. Ethylene escapes from apples, pears and other types of fruit that ripen later. The ripening gas also accelerates the ripening process of the orchid blossoms. The flowers are dropped prematurely and dry up quickly.

Tip: A fruit basket should be at least one to two meters away from the orchid.

❼ Customize watering behavior!

The water requirements of the different types of orchids are different. longerDrought is generally not tolerated by the plants and results in a lack of nutrients. This manifests itself in the form of limp leaves and dried up buds and flowers.

Tip: If the roots have a silvery sheen, watering is urgently needed.

In the summer, orchids are watered more frequently. The immersion method has proven its worth here. The plant pot is placed in a water bath for a few minutes weekly. However, the plants should not stand in the water for too long, otherwise there is a risk of heart rot. In winter, orchids can be dived every two to three weeks.

Orchids cannot tolerate tap water. The high content of lime and s alts does not meet the nutritional needs of the plants. Orchids should be watered with soft, lime-free water.

If the leaves have turned yellow and the flowers are dropped, it was probably watered with calcareous tap water. It is a good idea to repot the orchid and thoroughly remove the calcified substrate. It will take some time for the plant to regenerate and form new buds and flowers.

If watering has been overdone, waterlogging occurs. Blossom drop is then accompanied by brownish discolored and rotting root sections. Most plants can be saved by transplanting them quickly. However, if the entire roots are affected, any help will come too late.

What to do?

  • pour with soft water
  • preferably use rainwater
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Submerge the plant regularly
  • Water more often in summer
  • water more sparingly in winter
  • Replace substrate

❽ Check substrate!

The flowers of orchids often fall off because they are cultivated in conventional potting soil. This is not necessarily just a care mistake on the part of the flower lover. Many plants are already commercially available in this substrate.

Most orchids in this country are air-rooted. They get moisture and nutrients from the air through their roots. If the roots are buried in potting soil, they are literally suffocating.

What to do?

The plants must be repotted immediately.

Proceed as follows:

  • Water and fertilize the orchid a few days before repotting
  • Pot the plant carefully
  • Remove most of the potting soil
  • remove damaged roots
  • Drainage offCreate expanded clay
  • Place the orchid in a suitable substrate

A mixture of expanded clay, pine bark, hummus and charcoal ash is suitable for the species-appropriate cultivation of orchids. After transplanting, about a week should elapse before the orchid is watered again. Fertilizer can be added after a month.

❾ Fight pests!

If there is a pest infestation, the plants are generally weakened. The flowers cannot be held and fall off.

Red Spider• white dots on the underside of the leaves
• webs are visible
• drought
• low humidity
• weakened plant
Aphids• Deformation and dying of leaves and flowers• low humidity
Scab bugs and Mealybugs• Dying leaves and flowers• drought
• low humidity
• weakened plant

What to do?

If care mistakes are avoided, orchids are rarely attacked by pests. Increasing the humidity through regular spraying helps with pest infestation. Sprays based on white oil help with the infestation of the red spider. Treatment with garlic broth or horsetail broth can also curb a mild infestation. Insecticides are effective when pests are more prevalent.