The true bedstraw that flowers yellow along the wayside is often misjudged as a weed, although it is a true miracle plant. Read how to plant it here.

Many people speak of the real bedstraw as a miracle plant because it is often mentioned in folk medicine as a medicinal herb that is antispasmodic, diuretic and wound-healing. On top of that, it smells wonderful! If you sniff it, you will notice an extremely pleasant smell of honey, which is also how you can recognize the bedstraw unmistakably.
A white-flowering subspecies of bedstraw is also known, which is known as the so-called bedstraw. This is also one of the absolutely popular aromatic plants, as it smells a little like honey, like real bedstraw. Incidentally, the famous woodruff plant also belongs to the same genus as bedstraw.
But where does the name come from? Quite simply: In the past, bedstraw was often used to make cheese, which is where the name comes from. But that's just by the way. Here's everything you need to know about growing and caring for the plant.
Growing Bedstraw
You can simply dig up the extremely easy-care bedstraw by the side of the path in spring (dividing larger plants is no problem) and plant it again in your own garden.
Alternatively, you can also collect the seeds of the bedstraw in autumn, dry them and sow them again on the windowsill in early spring. From the middle of May you can then move the plantlets grown in this way outdoors.
Care for bedstraw properly
The bedstraw requires practically no maintenance if you plant it in a sunny spot with poor soil. And even during longer periods of drought, you don't have to constantly water the bedstraw and you don't have to fertilize the plant either.
However, you must be careful that the bedstraw does not spread uncontrollably. It is best to divide the perennials in order to keep them in check.