Self-climbing wall wine 'Engelmannii' - the colors will inspire you too

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The 'Engelmannii' wall wine is an easy-care, self-climbing climbing plant that impresses with its impressive colours, especially various shades of red.

With this climbing artist you bring life to dreary walls and walls. The Mauerwein 'Engelmannii' quickly grows to a respectable size and offers an impressive play of colors throughout the year. In summer, lush green adorns the wall and bees feast on the nectar of the flowers. Autumn comes with an impressive play of colors, favored by the intense yellow and red coloring of the leaves, in contrast to the small dark berries, which serve as food for birds in the cold season.

Origin and characteristics

The original home of the Engelmannii Wall Wine is in North America. But the uncomplicated plant has long been at home in our latitudes and copes very well with the climatic conditions.

The wall wine 'Engelmannii' does not need any climbing aids, but makes its way up to a height of eight meters with the help of small adhesive shells. Older plants also develop adhesive roots, which give the plant additional support.

The round stone fruits of Wall Wine are reminiscent of small peas. The light flesh is surrounded by a black skin. The fruits of the Wall Wine are inedible for humans.

Self-climbing Wall Wine 'Engelmannii' (Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Engelmannii')
Growth Speed:40 - 100 cm a year
Growth:1000 - 1200 cm
Growth:200 - 400 cm
Root system:Deep Roots
Location:sun to shade
Floor:any garden soil

Mauerwein 'Engelmannii' - location and soil

The plant is extremely adaptable and thrives in full sun as well as in shade. A semi-shaded spot is ideal. Then you will be rewarded with an impressive leaf coloration in autumn. While the foliage turns yellow in the shade, those in direct sunlight impressexposed leaves with an intense red color.

There are various options for planting:

  • Fences
  • Pergola
  • Walls
  • walls
  • Balcony
  • embankments
The plant is not choosy when it comes to the choice of substrate either. In well-drained and nutrient-rich soil, the 'Engelmannii' wall vine will quickly grow into a stately climbing plant.

Planting Mauerwein 'Engelmannii' - step by step

  1. Set Location
  2. Loosen soil
  3. Remove weeds, roots and stones from the ground
  4. Upgrade soil with compost or horn shavings
  5. Dig the planting hole (twice the size of the root ball)
  6. Free wall wine from the plant pot
  1. Loose up root balls
  2. Put wall wine in the planting hole
  3. Fill substrate
  4. Press the substrate firmly
  5. Pour Wall wine vigorously
The plant is offered in containers and can theoretically be planted on any frost-free day of the year. Preferred planting times are spring and autumn.

Cultivate Wall Wine 'Engelmannii'

The Mauerwein 'Engelmannii' proves to be extremely easy to care for. When watering, make sure that the liquid can drain off well and that waterlogging is avoided. The Mauerwein 'Engelmannii' can usually cover its liquid requirements with rainwater. You should only water additionally if there is a long period of drought.

Regular fertilization of the plant is not necessary. If attention is paid to the nutrient content of the soil when planting and you enrich the substrate with compost, the Mauerwein is well supplied for the first year of standing. You can add fresh compost every spring and get the plant ready for the next garden year.

Occasionally the Wall Wine should be thinned out. In doing so, remove the branches that are too close together and make room for new shoots.

Mauerwein 'Engelmannii' in winter

During the cold season, the plant does not need additional protection. Temperatures down to -27 degrees are tolerated without any problems. On frost-free days, the 'Engelmannii' wall wine can be watered occasionally so that the winter sun does not dry out the roots.