Make the garden cat-proof - 6 important tips

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What a playground is for children, a garden is for cats. However, this must be cat-proof so that nothing happens to your darling.

When a cat moves in, everyday life in a family always changes abruptly. After all, animals are naturally curious and want to discover everything. Especially when they are new to the family, they don't know anything about any prohibitions. Accordingly, not everyone wants to give their cat free rein for a long time, because after all there are all kinds of dangers lurking outside that the animals have no idea about at first.

However, a good alternative is to run free in your own garden, because you can make it cat-proof with a few simple steps. Of course, you won't be able to do it perfectly right away, because of course you don't think of everything right away. In the first few weeks, however, you will quickly notice where there are any loopholes or dangers lurking.

Tips for a cat-safe garden

Tip 1 - Fence the garden properly:

The right fence around the property forms the basis for a cat-safe garden, because after all your cat is not allowed to escape. The aim is for your cat to be able to be in the garden without you having to keep an eye on her.

So if you're looking for a fence that's cat proof, the first thing you need to do is make sure it's high enough. Since a high fence is not only conspicuous, but also blocks the view, you should definitely talk to your neighbor beforehand so that you don't get into trouble later. A little tip: You can improve the look a bit by greening the fence with climbing plants or planting a few bushes in front of it. But please do not use ivy for greening, because it is poisonous!

It is also important to choose the right materials. For example, the fence posts must never be made of wood, because your cat could climb up them. You should therefore definitely give preference to iron posts. There may already be a chain link fence around your property. In this case, you might also want to see if an upward extension is possible before completely replacing the fence.


Before setting upof the fence, you should inquire with the local building authority. In some towns you need a permit for fences higher than 180 centimeters. In others from a height of 200 centimetres.

Tip 2 - Attach Cat Repellent Belts to Trees:

Even the tallest fence can be useless if your cat discovers any other loopholes. So never forget that your cat is good at climbing. A tree placed close to the fence could be a good opportunity to get over the fence. You should therefore secure tall trees or even move them.

» Reading tip: Transplant a tree - 11 important tips

If moving a tree is not possible, you can also attach a cat repellent belt (e.g. available here). This is a wire belt with bars, which not only makes it difficult to climb trees, but also serves to protect free and cave breeders. The individual metal parts are simply plugged into each other and can thus be individually adapted to the circumference of each trunk.

Tip 3 - Planting the garden:

To make your garden look beautiful, plant it naturally. If you own a cat, however, you must be careful not to plant any poisonous plants in your garden. If there are already a few poisonous specimens in your garden, you must plant them out.

» Reading tip: Poisonous plants for cats

If you want to green the fence, you should also not put any plants in front of it that will become quite robust over time, because your cat could eventually find freedom over them.

Tip 4 - Plant piss-off plants in beds:

You can hardly protect your beds from cats, because they just like digging too much. At most, you can integrate so-called “piss off plants” here and there in the beds. The nettles of this plant contain essential oils and cats don't like the smell at all.

Tip: You can also keep cats away from your beds with a cat deterrent.

Tip 5 - Secure the garden pond:

A pond is extremely popular with cats because they like to sit on the bank and drink from it. However, you should then rather do without fish in the garden pond or you can install a grid under the water surface. The area on the shore should also be nice and flat. Creepers have no place here.

Tip 6 - Chemistry in the garden is taboo:

Chemical sprays should be absolutely taboobe. Even slug pellets have no place in the garden. You should not leave antifreeze, oils, paints and wood preservatives lying around openly, if only because of your children. These belong in a cupboard that neither children nor cats can make “unsafe”.