Rose is not just a rose, you could already find that out in many of our posts. Whether noble, bush or climbing roses - the selection is diverse and each rose has different requirements in terms of care, soil conditions and location. So you can't just buy any rose and use it somewhere. In the worst case, it will die and not produce the expected bloom. That would be annoying.
Anyone who is at the very beginning of their "gardening career" is still very unsure of the many differences in quality and varieties, understandably. In order to avoid a bad buy, I recommend the video by Gärtner Pöschke posted above. Here you will find many helpful tips for buying roses. You will also be shown the criteria under which you should definitely leave the plant in the garden center.
If you follow these tips, you will definitely not make a bad purchase and you can enjoy the numerous blossoms of the "Queen of Flowers" as early as summer.