Tackling gray mold on potted plants - Here's how

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Grey mold is a fungal disease that commonly affects and damages potted plants. So here's how to get rid of gray mold on potted plants.

A gray mold infestation on potted plants (not to be confused with normal mold in flower pots) can be recognized mainly by their leaves, which are covered with a grey, dusty coating that is usually velvety soft to the touch. However, an infestation can also be recognized by the stems and petals, which can also show this visible characteristic.

Begonias, azaleas, primroses and rhododendrons are usually particularly affected by an infestation. But also cyclamen and gloxinia. And even outdoor plants can be attacked by gray mold, such as soft fruits (strawberries, raspberries, etc.), tomatoes, lettuce, grapes, etc.

Where does gray horse come from?

There are several reasons why gray mold can develop on potted plants. Dead plant parts that were not removed in time are often to blame for this noble mold infestation. But spraying the plant leaves too vigorously with water can also lead to gray mold infestation. Especially when the water cannot dry sufficiently. Far more rarely, a gray mold infestation is promoted by an overdose of nitrogen fertilizer.


You should therefore also check potted plants for gray mold infestation in winter and reduce the moisture in the plant pot extremely.

Combating gray mold

Once gray mold has formed, you must of course remedy it immediately. To do this, you should (preferably in the early stages of the infestation) cut off all affected leaves, stems and flowers on the potted plant in question. In addition, you can treat the affected plant with a special anti-mould agent (fungicide) from the garden trade.

If the entire plant is already affected by gray mold, you will unfortunately have to dispose of it so that the mold cannot spread to other plants. This is especially true for outdoor plants.

But beware:

Infested plants should never be disposed of in the compost, but always in the household waste, so thatgray mold cannot spread any further.