Cyclamen - care for cyclamen properly

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Cyclamen are long-lived houseplants, but only if you don't make mistakes when caring for them. Here you can find out what to look out for with cyclamen.

The cyclamen (cyclamen) is a popular decoration for the flower window. The primula plants are floriferous and easy to care for and are therefore also suitable as a beginner's plant. Especially in the winter months, the cold-loving plants are an eye-catcher. Cyclamen are among the most popular indoor plants. More than 20 million specimens cultivated each year.

Cyclamen Origin

The term "Cyclamen" is derived from the Greek "kyklos" for circle or disk and refers to the circular bulb of the plant. The original home of the cyclamen is in the eastern Mediterranean. There the plants grow in mountainous forest regions, on calcareous soils and scree. The first plants, so to speak the mother plants of today's indoor plants, were imported to France from Persia, today's Iran, in the mid-17th century.

The original flower color is pink. New cultivated forms have a variety of flower colors, which can range from white to a rich crimson

Characteristics of cyclamen

One special feature of the cyclamen is its low heat requirement. The temperatures should not rise above ten degrees if possible. In earlier times, cyclamen were usually placed between double windows and grown in tall and narrow "double window pots".

Cyclamen will bloom again with good care. Perennial plants surprise with a lush bloom. A ten-year-old plant can produce more than 100 flowers.

Find the right location

The care secret of the cyclamen can be summarized as follows: light moisture and fresh coolness. However, if you have reserved a place by the sunny living room window for the pretty permanent bloomers, the cyclamen will hardly thank you. The plants feel much better in a cool bedroom, in a bright hallway or in a bathroom where there is little heating.
Cyclamen need a bright but not full sun location. An airy stand is an advantage. theTemperature should be 10 to 15 degrees.

Cyclamen Care

Cyclamen grow very well in humus-rich and loamy soil. Garden soil can be mixed in with sand and peat.

Watering cyclamen properly

Cyclamen need water regularly, but should not be watered too much. Carefully water around the tuber from above. The plant pot should not dry out. Cyclamen are particularly sensitive to moisture and will die quickly if left too wet.

Tip:Warning: If cyclamen are watered too intensively inside, this will lead to rotting of the leaf and flower stalks.

Irrigation water must not be left in the saucer or planter. It is advantageous to water the cyclamen from below so that the tuber does not come into contact with the irrigation water. If the tubers are above the ground, you can water them as usual. In the case of underground tubers, excess irrigation water should be removed after half an hour at the latest.

Tip: If the cyclamen is placed in a pot with moist peat, the substrate will remain evenly moist.

Fertilize cyclamen properly

Before and during flowering, the cyclamen receives a commercial fertilizer for flowering plants weekly. Fertilizer is not used during the rest period.

An overview of the most important planting and care tips

Select Location• light
• cool
• partial shade to shade
Prepare the ground• humus
• sandy
• clayey
Casting• water regularly
• avoid waterlogging
• water from below
Fertilize• fertilize weekly during flowering
• do not fertilize during dormancy

Repot Cyclamen

As already mentioned, cyclamen are ideal for perennial cultivation. After the flowering period and the fall of the leaves, the tubers are transplanted. You can use conventional potting soil or uniform soil. The tubers of older plants look up to a third out of the ground. Young plants may be planted deeper.

An overview of some cyclamen species

Cyclamen persicum

The species described here is particularly diverse. Some pretty representatives are the pink flowering "Candlestick", the bright red flowering variety "Bonfire" or the pink flowering species "Rococo".


This strain is native to the Greek islands. The flowers appear from September. Shades of pale pink to salmon red are common.

Cyclamen libanoticum

The large, pink flowers of this variety from Lebanon catch the eye. Leaves may have yellow markings.

Cyclamen balearicum

Native to Mallorca and the surrounding islands, the plants bloom in spring and feature small white flowers with a delicate pink hue.

Propagating Cyclamen

Cyclamen can be propagated from seeds. This can happen in midsummer or late winter. Conventional potting soil to which some coarse sand has been added can be used as growing soil.

In order for the seeds to sprout, a constant soil temperature of 18 to 20 degrees is necessary. You can achieve this by cultivating in a heated propagation bed. Alternatively, the seeds are covered with foil to create a greenhouse climate. The seeds are covered with soil as they germinate in the dark.

Tip: If cyclamen are sown in late winter, they will receive sufficient light as they grow and will not develop unnaturally long shoots.

Germination starts after about five to six weeks. The mature seedlings are later individualized and repotted the following spring.

Detect pests and diseases on cyclamen

Cyclamen are hardy and uncomplicated. However, in the case of care errors, diseases and pests cannot be avoided.

Care mistakesDisease / Pest
Waterlogging• Root Tan
• Bone Rot
too warm location• Spider mites
• Aphids
• Soft skin mites
too high humidity• Gray roan

Frequently cut stalks rot. This can be avoided if old leaves and blossoms are not cut off, but ripped out with a firm tug.

Winter cyclamen - note the rest period

Cyclamen bloom when most plants are rather sad to behold. The blossoming period of cyclamen is from November to March. The indoor gardener then gives the plants a break. This falls in the summer months.

When the leaves turn yellow and no new flowers form, the watering is gradually stopped. The plantshibernate in a cool, dark room. The plant pot is laid on its side. Do not water until the first leaves appear. The plants are still stored in the shade. When the cyclamen develops the first flower buds, the plants need more light.

The new growing season usually starts in September. In late autumn, the leaves are fully formed and the cyclamen begins to flower.