Hazelnuts from your own garden still taste best. So that your hazelnut tree also bears plenty of nuts, here are our tips for growing and caring for the tree.

Hazelnut trees are very easy to care for
The native hazelnut tree is very common in our gardens. After all, it is extremely easy to care for, robust, frost-resistant and often ensures a very pleasant nut harvest in autumn.
Hazelnuts have a very high nutritional content in the form of fat and protein. So, like most of the nuts known here, they are very he althy.
Due to its high nutritional value, the hazelnut is also of particular importance as a source of food for various native animals (such as squirrels, mice, birds, etc.).
Select location
You have to consider when choosing a location that hazelnut trees can easily reach a height and width of up to 6 meters and more, which is why you should give them enough space.
Hazelnuts love partial shade. However, you can also use hazelnut trees in moderate shade.
Planting time
Planting time for this tree is in principle autumn. A loose soil that is as permeable as possible is considered ideal.
Immediately before planting, you should briefly dip the roots in liquid fertilizer so that the sapling takes root faster and better in the new environment. Alternatively, simply add a handful of horn shavings to the planting hole.
Incidentally, we decided on the hazelnut bush "Wonder from Bollweiler". We were already allowed to enjoy his nuts with friends. Great! ;- )
Care of the hazelnut tree
» Pruning
The hazelnut tree is in full bloom as early as March, making it one of the early bloomers of the year. Therefore you must cut it back immediately after harvest in late summer/autumn.
You should cut out the wild shoots that are currently growing, if possible at the base, so that they do not damage the noble shoots.
Of course, you can also cut back in spring, directly after flowering. Where youbut then have to reckon with the fact that the nut harvest will be smaller.
» Water the hazelnut tree
You should also note that hazelnut trees have to be watered, especially during the growth phase on hot days. But once the tree is fully grown, you can do without additional watering on normal summer days.
» Fertilize hazelnut trees
During the first few years, you can of course also work organic fertilizers (e.g. compost) around the plant while it is growing.
» Fighting pests
The only real problem with the hazelnut is its beetle of the same name, which can be recognized by the small holes in the nut shell.
If you crack open the nut shell after harvesting and there is no kernel left in it, this is because the hazelnut beetle (also known as the hazelnut borer) has already eaten it. On top of that, it deposits its larvae in the nutshell.
You can combat this weevil by carefully disposing of all the affected nuts. Even all the nuts that are already on the ground around the tree should be raked up and disposed of.