The ginkgo has long been revered as a strengthening tree, which is why many plant it in their gardens. Read here how you can plant and care for ginkgo.

Hardly any other tree is associated with as many legends as the ginkgo, which seems to be able to defy all the impassability of life. The ginkgo - also known as the fan leaf tree - is almost never attacked by pests and diseases. Even snow and frost can hardly harm it, nor can it be exposed to strong sunlight.
In addition, the ginkgo is not demanding when it comes to soil conditions. Its roots are branched deep into the earth, so that it can last for a proud 1000 years and more.
Ginkgo leaves look great
Ginkgo is one of the medicinal plants and is often processed into tablets in alternative medicine. It is also available as a tea, for example, which promotes blood circulation, among other things.
In addition to the myths and the healing properties, it is the appearance of the tree in particular that prompts many to plant a ginkgo tree in their garden. Because the leaves of the ginkgo have a very special shape. They are fan-shaped and have a small notch in the middle. That looks really great.
If you would like to have a ginkgo tree in your garden, then here is some information about planting and caring for the tree for you.
Plant Ginkgo
» Outdoor planting in spring
Planting the tree is ideal, which should ideally be done in the spring when the sapling has its first leaves. As far as the location is concerned, it should be partially shaded. The plant then has enough time over the summer to get used to its new place before it is confronted with the frosty temperatures of winter for the first time.
Ginkgo young plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is better to keep the tree in a container in a sheltered spot for the first 2 to 5 years before choosing a permanent location for it.
This also has the advantage that the young plants can still spend the first winter frosts in frost-free rooms. Because at this point they are justconditionally hardy!
» Outdoor planting in autumn
An autumn planting of a ginkgo tree should only be done with robust plants that are at least 6 years old. In both cases of outdoor planting, you should dig out the planting hole quite generously and enrich (mix) the planting soil with plenty of compost - water well!

Ginkgo trees tend to get crooked quickly due to their horizontally protruding branches. Therefore, after planting, you should place posts all around to which you can tie the tree for the first few years of its growth. This ensures shapely growth.
Ginkgo care
As far as the care of the ginkgo tree is concerned, you don't have to pay much attention here, because the trees are actually quite easy to care for. There are only a few things to consider when fertilizing, watering and cutting.
» Fertilize/Water:
Ginkgo trees only need regular application of complete fertilizer and moderate, albeit regular watering in the first few years. Whereby waterlogging must be avoided!
Small ball ginkgoes (also often called dwarf ginkgos) are often offered in specialist shops, which can easily be kept permanently in pots on terraces and balconies - maximum growth height of 2 metres.
» Cut:
Pruning is hardly ever necessary, you can only do a shape cut including thinning out in spring in the first few years to promote the bright green crown of leaves that bears fruit (seeds) and from the approx. 20th year of life also starts to flower.
Development of the tree
Ginkgos usually grow upright and only form a sprawling crown over the years. This makes them space-saving shade providers in numerous gardens and parks.
Furthermore, from November the leaves of the ginkgo turn a wonderful golden yellow, which gives the tree another bright accent in the dreary gray weather before it also sheds its foliage in the winter months.

By the way:
Ginkgo has male and female specimens. However, since the female specimens usually set quite unpleasant scent marks, the male trees are planted with preference!