The goose cress not only looks great on the bed, but also excellently in the rock garden. Here we tell you what you need to consider when planting.

Chicken cress: plant description
The goose cress is usually a perennial plant. A few species are annual or biennial. The plants have some things in common. The stems usually grow upright and are clearly hairy. The stems arise from a rosette, which has stalked and sessile leaves. There are smooth and serrated leaf edges. Smooth or hairy upper leaf surfaces are also distinguished. Fourfold flowers with oval sepals are formed. The petals are about half a centimeter long. The goose cress usually flowers white or red. However, violet, blue or yellowish flowers also occur. Up to 80 ovules can be present in the ovary. The flat pods have a net-like structure.
Plant goose cress - find the right location
The undemanding and vigorous plants are satisfied with almost any location. If you find a sunny spot, the goose cress will thank you with a rich bloom. But the plant also does not mind half-shady locations and the goose cress also thrives in the shade without any problems. The plant is also an option for planting in roof gardens or graves.
The idealSelect substrate
The goose cress should be planted in well-drained soil if possible. A fresh and not too nutritious substrate is ideal. The soil must not be too moist, as the plants do not tolerate waterlogging. Even in places where you haven't had any luck with lush vegetation, it's worth trying the goose cress.
The ideal substrate in keywords:
- loose
- fresh
- permeable
- calcareous
- nutrient poor
Planting goose cress - step by step
- Select Location
- Prepare the ground
- Dig planting hole
- Note the planting distance
- Insert plant
- Fill substrate
- Press substrate
- Water the plant
For group planting, a planting distance of 20 to 30 centimeters is ideal. Popular bed neighbors are blue cushions, gentians or ferns.
Can goose cress be cultivated in tubs?
As an undemanding plant, goose cress is also suitable for keeping in tubs. However, the maintenance effort is somewhat higher here, because the plants only have a limited supply of nutrients in the bucket. Potted plants need to be watered more frequently and fertilized regularly.
Tip: When choosing the planter, make sure there are enough drain holes for liquid in the bottom.
When does the goose cress bloom?
After planting, you will certainly be excited to see the goose cress bloom. Most species flower in April and the flowering period extends into May. But there are also exceptions, this is due to the rich biodiversity of the plant genus. The Caucasian goose cress opens its flowers as early as March. Alpine goose cress can flower well into autumn and some species even flower in winter.
Tip: If the old inflorescences are removed regularly, the plant can be stimulated to flower again.
What should be considered when transplanting goose cress?
Are some yearsafter planting, it can happen that the goose cress misses its lush flowering. It's time to rejuvenate the plant and move it to a new location. For this you can take the goose cress out of the ground in spring or autumn. The root ball is now freed from bald spots and rotten or dead root segments. If the plant is sufficiently developed, you can cut up the root ball with a sharp knife and thereby propagate the goose cress. The individual root segments are then planted in a new location.
Is goose cress poisonous?
When planting goose cress, you don't have to worry about children or pets being endangered by the plant. On the contrary, because the goose cress is edible. As the name suggests, the leaves taste like cress. The taste is also reminiscent of rocket.
The flowers of the goose cress can be used to decorate various dishes. It can be used to decorate salads, soups, cold dishes or desserts. There is a lot of vitamin C in the leaves. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of the plant parts is also appreciated.
Tip: The leaves are harvested before flowering.
As a decoration, goose cress leaves and flowers are always worth recommending. However, excessive consumption is not recommended. Unfortunately, there is hardly any knowledge about how high and regular consumption of the individual parts of the plant affects the body.