What plants go well with bamboo?

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Bamboo is noble and a practical privacy screen, but not easy to handle. But the selection of the right companion plants is less complicated.

Did you know that there are around 1500 species of bamboo worldwide? Only in Europe and the Antarctic is the plant, which belongs to the sweet grasses, not native. Nevertheless, bamboo (Bambusoideae) can also be planted in our latitudes.

It is better not to resort to tropical varieties, because they do not tolerate the frost so well in Germany. Other species, on the other hand, cope very well with the sub-zero temperatures.

Once the decision to go with bamboo has been made, garden owners face the next question. Which plants go well with bamboo, what gets along best and which plants shouldn't be planted in the immediate vicinity?

Important note for bamboo newbies

With bamboo, a distinction is made between the cluster-forming and the runner-forming genus. The latter can make life very difficult for a garden owner, as the bamboo spreads rapidly and, above all, uncontrollably. To prevent this, a so-called rhizome barrier must be created. A detailed step-by-step guide can be found here. Some bamboo owners have also tried concrete edging or digging a trench. No alternative for me in the long run and I have to dig anyway.

These plants go well with bamboo

Because bamboo is a semi-shade plant, it gets along best with all Asian plants. To ensure that these work well and are not "overwhelmed" by the bamboo, it is best to use higher-growing varieties.

  1. Japanese Japanese Maple
  2. With the Japanese maple, it is important that it gets a loose and crumbly soil. Once this basis has been created, the maple is relatively easy to care for.

    ➤ In any case, make sure that the Japanese maple does not get its feet wet, i.e. avoid waterlogging.

  3. Hydrangeas
  4. Hydrangeas, also known as water shrubs, form an excellent contrast to bamboo with their large, colorful flowers. To avoid constant planting and planting out, choosea hardy variety, like the panicle hydrangea. This strain can be grown as a bush and even as a small tree (source: www.hortensie.net). The hydrangea must then be cut back in late autumn or spring.

  5. Camellias
  6. The camellias that are so popular with us come from East Asia. The ornamental plant is a great match for bamboo because it has the same requirements as ornamental grass. In order to always give both plants the moisture they need, it is best to apply a layer of mulch. The disadvantage is that the camellia is not hardy. However, I have also heard from garden friends where a plant that was almost dead showed new shoots again the following early summer.

  7. Rhododendron
  8. Another beautiful companion plant to bamboo is the rhododendron. Fertilize after flowering so that it can unfold its full beauty year after year. Just like the bamboo, the rhododendron does not tolerate waterlogging. So all you have to do is adapt your watering behavior to that of the rhododendron.

  9. Azalea
  10. With spectacular blooms and stunning colors, the azalea contrasts beautifully with the evergreen bamboo. Even in autumn, the azaleas are a feast for the eyes, because the foliage turns a sparkling bronze to glowing red at this time of year. Garden azaleas are a genus of rhododendrons and should therefore be treated in the same way when caring for them.

  11. Hostels
  12. But the bamboo does not necessarily have to have only lush flowers in its vicinity. A decorative foliage perennial, such as the hosta, is also suitable, since most species come from Asia. In this country, hostas are also referred to as heart leaf lines, which is due to the shape of the leaf. The different shades of green mixed with white go perfectly with the bamboo.

  13. Vinca minor
  14. Those who cannot plant large shrubs due to lack of space will hit the mark with Vinca minor. The evergreen, low groundcover is available in different flower colors, but in my opinion it looks very noble in plain white. Incidentally, the periwinkle is also available in “large” and in umpteen different varieties. If you are interested, you will find lots of plant portraits on bodendecker.de.

  15. Cherry Laurel
  16. Even if it was given the name of the well-known kitchen spice because of its leaf shape, the cherry laurel does not have much in common with it. It is used in the garden as a decoration oralso as a hedge. The cherry laurel goes well with the bamboo, but can grow up to 10 meters high. In addition, he has the bad habit of spreading himself (self-seeding).