Small periwinkle - tips for planting and care

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Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor) is a flowering groundcover that does well in both sunny and shady locations.

The Small periwinkle (Vinca minor) is warmly recommended to anyone looking for a small, magical blue flower for the garden bed. The plant's blue-purple flower buds shimmer like tiny pearls in a bed before turning into picturesque blossoms.

As the little brother of the large periwinkle, the small periwinkle is the professional solution for more delicate plant arrangements in beds. Growth and leaves of the subshrub are significantly smaller than those of the large relative. The flowering shoots of the otherwise declining plant grow very upright, so that the dainty flowers clearly stand out. In terms of care, Vinca minor is relatively uncomplicated.

Small evergreens in the garden

The flowering period of the small periwinkle is from March to June. The shrub, which can reach a height of up to 15 cm, produces a wonderful carpet of flowers in beds from spring to summer. In autumn and winter, the evergreen leaves of the plant ensure that the beds do not become bare even in the sparse half of the year. The evergreen foliage makes Vinca minor ideal for grave planting and underplanting of larger shrubs or trees. Garden concepts in which the ground cover can be found particularly often are

  • Cottage Garden
  • Natural Garden
  • Rhododendron Garden
  • Forest Garden
  • wild garden

A major advantage of Vinca minor in the garden is that the subshrub thrives splendidly even in shady locations. Accordingly, the ground cover is also ideal for bare spots where nothing else wants to grow due to a lack of sunlight.

You can also optically upgrade top locations with the small evergreen. The prostrate shoots of the plant grow up to 2 m long. Vinca minor thus reliably produces a large plant carpet that can be used - for example to cover walls, slopes or rock formations.

» Worth knowing:
The use of small periwinkles for facade greening was already in theMiddle Ages very popular. To this day, forest occurrences of the plant often indicate the location of medieval castles and settlements whose masonry was entwined with the ornamental ground cover.

Small periwinkle - location and planting

The Lesser Periwinkle is native to Central and Southern Europe as well as Asia. In the wild, it primarily thrives on nutrient-rich deciduous and mixed forest soils. For this reason, you should also choose nutritious, fresh, moist loamy soil for Vinca minor in the garden. Ideally, the substrate will also have a light sand or gravel content. The pH of the soil is between 5.5 and 7.7 points in the acidic to slightly alkaline range.

As far as the light conditions at the location for Vinca minor are concerned, everything from sunny to shady locations is actually possible. In the shade, the flowering could lose a little, but even here the small periwinkle still grows better than many other garden plants. The plant doesn't even mind the cold at the location, as it is hardy to -23 °C. If in doubt, a thin layer of brushwood will suffice.

» Important:
Although the Lesser Periwinkle was used as a medicinal plant in ancient times, the Federal He alth Agency revoked all medicines containing periwinkle as an ingredient in 1986. Because the subshrub is poisonous in all parts and can lead to life-threatening blood damage. Vinca minor should therefore be cultivated in the garden protected from children and pets. Protective gloves must be worn when working on the plant.

➔ Planting small evergreens - step by step

  1. Planting time
    To give the small periwinkle enough time to get used to its new location before winter, the shrub is usually planted in spring . Late frosts should no longer threaten and the ground should already be open.
  2. Prepare the soil
    Depending on the initial substrate, the soil must be optimized with sand or gravel for the needs of Vinca minor. For basic fertilization, it is best to add horn shavings or compost to the substrate. Then a planting hole is dug that is 1 1/2 times the size of the root ball.
  3. Planting distance
    Small periwinkles do not need additional drainage if they have a good gravel content. Because the ornamental tree loves wet soil and can therefore stand a little damper. More important is a topsoil thickness of at least 20 cm, as well as an appropriate planting distance. The latter should be 25 to 40 cm between the individual specimens and to neighboring plants.

Small periwinkle - waterand fertilize

If there is enough rainfall, small periwinkle in the garden takes care of itself. However, manual watering is necessary in the dry summer months. Water moderately but regularly to prevent excessive waterlogging. Against winter drought damage, moderate watering is also carried out on frost-free days from December to February.

Vinca minor is also not very demanding when it comes to fertilization. In spring you simply give a handful of compost or comparable organic fertilizer to the semi-shrub. Otherwise, however, no additional nutrients are required.

Small periwinkle - cut and propagate

A comprehensive pruning is actually not necessary on the small periwinkle. The ornamental tree grows relatively shapely even without the intervention of the gardener. Should the annual growth get out of hand, it makes sense to remove offshoots of the plant to shape them. These can also be used to propagate the ground cover.

➔ Propagation by offshoots

To propagate by cuttings, simply separate well-rooted stolons from the mother plant in spring or summer. It is best to remove runners from the edge area to avoid unsightly gaps in the carpet of plants. You can replant the offshoots immediately.

➔ Propagation by root division

Very large mother plants of the small periwinkle can also be propagated by root division. At the same time, this ensures a rejuvenation of the plant, which then sprout all the more vigorously. To do this, simply dig up the plant in the fall and divide the rootstock with a sharp knife. You can also immediately put the sections back in the bed afterwards.

Small periwinkle - interesting varieties

While the flowers of the wild variety of the small periwinkle shimmer in a delicate blue-violet, there are also varieties with different flower colors. The varieties also have different leaf colors. In addition, the variety can also determine the actual winter hardiness of the plant. Here is a brief overview of the most important variants:

TypesSpecial Features
Small periwinkle 'Alba'
(Vinca minor 'Alba')
• bright white flowers
• dark green leaves
Small periwinkle 'Atropurpurea'
(Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea')
• red-violet flowers
• green leaves
Small periwinkle 'Aureovariegata'
(Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata')
• blue flowers
• yellow-green variegatedLeaves
Small periwinkle 'Azurea Flore Pleno'
(Vinca minor 'Azurea Flore Pleno')
• double bluish flowers
• light green leaves with striking leaf markings
Small Periwinkle 'Gertrude Jekyll'
(Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll')
• white flowers
• green leaves
Small periwinkle 'Variegata'
(Vinca minor 'Variegata')
• delicate blue flowers
• green-yellow variegated leaves
• caution, sensitive to frost
Small periwinkle 'Purpurea'
(Vinca minor 'Purpurea')
• strong red-violet flowers
• light green leaves

Small Periwinkle 'Anna'

Small Periwinkle 'Anna' (Vinca minor 'Anna')
Growth Speed:5 - 15 cm a year
Growth:10 - 30 cm
Growth:30 - 50 cm
Plant Supplies:8 plants per m²
Location:Penumbral shade to full shade
Floor:airy, nutritious, dry to moist

Little Periwinkle 'Marie'

Small Periwinkle 'Marie' (Vinca minor 'Marie')
Growth Speed:5 - 15 cm a year
Growth:10 - 15 cm
Growth:20 - 50 cm
Plant Supplies:12 - 16 plants per m²
Location:Penumbral shade to full shade
Floor:fresh to moist, loose, humus

Small Periwinkle 'Josefine'

Small garden periwinkle 'Josefine' (Vinca minor 'Josefine')
Growth Speed:30 - 40 cm a year
Growth:10 - 30 cm
Growth:30 - 50 cm
Plant Supplies:4 - 9 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:loose, humus-rich, nutritious

Small Periwinkle 'Illumination'

Small Periwinkle 'Illumination' (Vinca minor 'Illumination')
Growth:compact, prostrate, extensive
Growth:10 - 20 cm
Growth:30 - 50 cm
Plant Supplies:7 - 9 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:well drained, high humus requirement

Small Periwinkle 'Bowles'

Small periwinkle 'Bowles' (Vinca minor 'Bowles')
Growth:flat, forms runners
Growth:10 - 15 cm
Growth:30 - 60 cm
Plant Supplies:10 - 20 plants per m²
Location:Penumbral shade to full shade
Floor:rich in humus, well drained, loamy-sandy

Small Periwinkles - Diseases and Pests

Small periwinkle is largely resistant to harmful images. Only aphids and scale insects occasionally tamper with the plants. The use of beneficial insects, such as ladybirds or parasitic wasps, helps against both pests. Nettle stock has also proven its worth.