No garden but still enjoy freshly harvested vegetables. Zucchini is easy to grow in a bucket on the balcony.
You live in the city and don't have a garden? For most of those affected, it is then off to the supermarket or he alth food store to buy fruit and vegetables. But many of these city dwellers have long since enjoyed gardening in a confined space.They grow their own vegetables in pots and tubs on their balconies or terraces. Low-maintenance vegetables such as tomatoes and zucchini are preferred.
Zucchini: problem-free vegetables even for inexperienced balcony gardeners
1. Grow zucchini in the pot yourself
- 3 to 4 small flower pots
- Cultivation soil
- Zucchini Seeds
Courgettes are sown indoors at the beginning of April. To do this, fill smaller pots with potting soil, water them well and then plant the seeds about 1 cm deep in the soil. Then cover the laid out grains and water your seed well.
Even if you only want to grow one zucchini plant, it is advisable to sow this vegetable in 3 to 4 seed pots. This will ensure your success, because not all seeds always sprout.
The pots are now placed in a warm place. Make sure that the seed is kept evenly moist. The seeds germinate after about 8 to 10 days. As soon as the zucchini plants are well rooted, i.e. the roots are sticking out of the bottom of the pot, you can transplant them into a larger pot.
The young plants are not placed on the balcony before mid-May because courgettes do not tolerate frost.
2. Planting in the tub- good potting soil
- Compost and fertilizer such as horn shavings
- a large plant pot
In general, it is advisable to check whether it is sunny enough for the warmth-loving zucchini on the balcony. If so, prepare the planter. The planter should have a hole in the bottom from which irrigation water can drain and thus prevent waterlogging. Then they line the bottom of the bucket with some gravel or some potsherds. These serve as drainage and store the water. This keeps the soil in the pot evenly moist.
Now fill inthe soil, previously mixed with compost and horn shavings, and moisten it thoroughly. Then carefully remove the zucchini plant from the small pot and place it in the larger planter. Now fill the pot up with soil and gently press down on the plant.
Finally, water your transplanted zucchini and place the tub in a sunny, warm place on the balcony.
If you water your baby zucchini well every day, you can harvest the first fruits after about 2 months.