Use Epsom s alt as fertilizer - 3 application tips

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If plants suffer from a magnesium deficiency, it is best to use Epsom s alts as fertilizer. Here are 3 application tips.

When the plants wake up from their hibernation in spring, you should support their growth in an effective way. For many plants, the use of Epsom s alt is suitable, which can optimally compensate for a magnesium deficiency and/or sulfur deficiency.

Since Epsom s alt is commonly used in agriculture, you can buy it commercially either as a solid fertilizer (grain form) or as a liquid fertilizer and spread it in the garden. However, when using Epsom s alt you should always make sure that you avoid overdosing - because more is not always more effective!

We have written down here for you the best way to fertilize Epsom s alts.

Use Epsom s alt as fertilizer

» Tip 1 - Fertilize conifers:

Conifers visibly enjoy an annual, well-dosed dose of Epsom s alt fertilizer (approx. 20 g/sqm). Especially when the individual needles are already turning yellowish, which in turn is a sure sign of a deficiency. Brown needles, on the other hand, indicate a potassium deficiency. You should not compensate for this with Epsom s alt, but with a special fir fertilizer:

You simply have to sprinkle the Epsom s alt loosely around the conifers and then water them well. But be careful: You must not completely wash out the Epsom s alt.

» Tip 2 - foliar fertilization:

For effective foliar fertilization, you should use a 2 percent Epsom s alt solution to spray the underside of the leaves. The Epsom s alt can be dissolved in the water without leaving any residue.

But you should never apply foliar fertilization with Epsom s alts in direct sunlight and also not if rain is expected immediately afterwards. Cloudy April days are best suited for fertilization.

» Tip 3 - Lawn fertilization:

As a sort of spring cure, you should sprinkle a small amount of granular Epsom s alt on the lawn after the first lawn cut. After you have sprinkled the Epsom s alts, you must then water the lawn, or should the fertilization onbest done on a day when rain is still expected.

By the way: Epsom s alt is already included in many commercially available lawn fertilizer mixtures.