A tincture of coneflower helps with coughs, herpes or abscesses. It's also very easy to make yourself.

Even the Indians knew the healing properties of the red coneflower (also known as echinacea) and used the plant as medicine. But now more and more hobby gardeners are discovering this perennial, which can be up to two meters high, and decide to grow the red coneflower in the garden. And that for a very simple reason: the purple coneflower is not only particularly attractive, the medicinal plant can also be used to make a very effective tincture very easily.
The Effects of Echinacea
In the pharmacy you can buy either the tincture or tablets. Both are suitable for internal use; the diluted tincture is used for external use. Echinacea ointments are also available for external use. But beware: the medicinal plant is very effective, so you should not use the preparations permanently and discuss the dosage with a doctor or naturopath.
First and foremost, the purple coneflower has an effect on the immune system. You can take echinacea preventively to strengthen your immune system, because the active ingredients inhibit both viruses and bacteria. Please note, however, that the duration of intake should not exceed eight weeks, otherwise the opposite effect could set in.
If you are already ill, the coneflower promotes the formation of antibodies. Applied externally, it also has a good effect on herpes, abscesses or boils.
How to Make Echinacea Tincture
The tincture is the ideal form of administration for purple coneflowers because you can use it both internally and externally. You can use either the rootstock or the herb to make the tincture. If you don't have your own plant in the garden, you can sometimes buy the herb from the herbalist. You can then take between 10 and 50 drops of the finished tincture up to three times a day. If the tincture is too concentrated on its own, you can also dilute it with a little water.
➥ Step 1:
To make a tincture from the fresh plant, collect the stems from the flowering plant between July and September. Note, however, that the plant must be at least two years old. In addition, you should only use he althy, strong plant parts without brown spots.
➥ Step 2:
You must carefully pluck the ray florets from the flower heads and then separate the heads. After you have stripped off the daisy flowers, cut the base of the flower into thin slices. Then cut the leaves of the coneflower into strips with scissors, halve the stems lengthwise and then cut crosswise into small pieces.
➥ Step 3:
Now put all parts of the plant in a container with a screw cap and then add enough alcohol (alcohol with at least 50 percent such as vodka, schnapps, alcohol) to cover everything.
➥ Step 4:
After sealing, leave the mixture in semi-shade for at least four weeks. So there should be some sun on the container. In between, you should shake the glass well every now and then so that everything combines nicely.
➥ Step 5:
After a few weeks, you will then need to strain the liquid and pour the finished tincture into a brown glass bottle to protect it from light. Then label the bottle with the contents and date and store in a dark, cool place.