Carrots need space to thrive. For this it is necessary that you separate the young plants if necessary.

But there is a very important point here that every hobby gardener should not forget. If the vegetables grow too close together, the roots cannot develop very well because there is not enough space for growth. Only small, measly carrots then appear, which are ideal for snacking, but find little place in the soup pot.
To prevent this, it is necessary to separate the carrots. We'll tell you exactly how this works now.
Sowing the carrots in the garden
Already make sure that there is enough space for the plants while sowing the carrots. When you sow the seeds, the distance between each row should be about 15 to 20 centimeters. It is sown in gutters, which should not be deeper than one to two centimetres.
» Tip: By the way, you can save yourself the later separation by using seed tapes right away. The perfect distance is already specified here. In order to be able to orientate yourself better later, you can instead stretch a marking tape and sow the seeds along it in the gutters.
After the seeds have been placed in each row, they are lightly pressed and covered with soil. Now just water a little.
Separate the carrots
Separating the carrots is not only necessary to give them more space. If the plants are too dense, they not only grow poorly, but also become more susceptible to various diseases.
Of course, not all the seeds will always sprout, so the carrots won't appear evenly in the rows. In this way, several gaps in the rows will appear all by themselves.
To make more space for the carrots, the weakest specimens become equalremoved, further gaps appear.
Then excess seedlings are removed from the stronger seedlings so that there is a distance of at least three to four centimeters between each plant. When pulling out the seedlings, always grasp the bottom of the plant as deeply as possible and then pull it out of the ground.