Brown leaf spots and low yield are clear signs of leaf tanning. We'll show you how to get the fungal disease under control.
The so-called leaf blight is a fungal disease that mainly occurs in quince, hawthorn, medlar and hawthorn. Apple and pear trees are also rarely affected. This fungal disease is usually caused by the fungus Diplocarpon mespili, which infects the leaves in spring. It attaches itself to the leaves and shoots and ensures that the leaves fall off the tree early in summer.
The annoying thing about the whole thing: the pathogen doesn't die off in winter either, but sticks to the shoots and fallen leaves. This means that the fungal disease can quickly flare up again next spring. It is therefore extremely important that you protect your quince tree effectively against an infestation and also take the right measures to combat leaf browning. Our tips reveal how you can do this.
Foliar tan damage
As the name suggests, the leaves of the quince tree turn brown over time. At first, only small, red spots can be seen on the leaves, which is the case shortly after they sprout. As the process progresses, these areas become larger and larger until the leaf finally turns brown. You can then see black spores in the center of these spots, which allow the fungus to spread further.
The spots get bigger and bigger towards the summer and gradually merge into one another. Finally, the affected leaves are completely brown and eventually fall off. Thus, the quince tree gradually becomes bare from below. But not only the leaves offer a target for this fungus, the fruits can also be attacked so that they are no longer edible.
Prevent tanning
» Tip 1 - Destroy leaves immediately in autumn:
As with other plant diseases, it is important to take preventive measures when it comes to leaf blight. Only if you avert the disease early can you prevent greater damage. For prevention you should falltherefore immediately rake up and dispose of the leaves.Caution: Do not put the leaves on the compost, because even from here the leaf tan can spread further.
» Tip 2 - Thin out the quince tree regularly:
If the treetop is very densely overgrown, the leaf tan has an easy time. In this case, it stays damp longer after the rain, which of course favors the fungus. It is therefore advisable not to let the tree crown become so dense in the first place. In between, you should always thin them out a bit. This allows the leaves to dry out quickly, which means the fungus no longer has a chance to establish itself.» Tip 3 - Use plant remedies to strengthen yourself:
Well cared for quince trees (reading tip: planting and caring for quince trees - how it's done) are not only much stronger and bear more fruit, they are also much less susceptible to fungal diseases. For example, you can treat your quince tree with horsetail extract or fruit sprays. We can recommend the following products:➪ NEUDORFF Neudo-Vital Fruit Spray
➪ NEUDORFF Horsetail Extract
Fighting tanning
» Tip 4 - remove affected leaves/shoots:
Once you spot spots on the leaves of your quince tree, you should remove those leaves immediately to prevent spread. However, the fungus also sits on the shoots of the tree, which is why you must also cut off the affected branches.Important: In autumn you should also remove the fallen leaves under the tree as soon as possible.
» Tip 5 - use organic sprays for fruit trees:
If the infestation was very severe, you should treat your quince tree with a fungicide in May as a preventive measure. For example, you can eradicate the fungal disease with an organic spray for fruit trees or with a copper spray. Spraying should then be done shortly after flowering. Another treatment is recommended three weeks later.➪ NEUDORFF Atempo Copper Fungus Free