When winter is just around the corner, there is still a lot to do in the garden. After all, the garden needs to be winterized. In order for ornamental grasses to overwinter properly, you should not cut them back.

Do not cut ornamental grasses
Many hobby gardeners now use secateurs and cut back dried-up plants. But that can also be wrong. Because your own leaves are often the best protection. This is especially true for all types of ornamental grasses. Whether zebra grass, Chinese reed or lamp cleaner grass - you should not cut back these plants in autumn, but leave them standing. Instead, tie the grasses together at the top and center with strong twine. This will prevent snow from pushing the grass apart. This also gives the grass better protection from the cold.
Protect ornamental grasses with foliage
However, if the winter gets very cold, you should cover the soil around the grasses with fleece. Nothing can actually happen anymore. Alternatively, you can rake up leaves and pile them up into a small pile. The grasses are so much better protected from freezing and will grow great again next year.