Growing mushrooms - That's how it's done

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Did you know that you can grow your own mushrooms all year round? We'll show you what you need.

The great thing about it is that home-grown mushrooms are usually pollution-free, guaranteeing carefree enjoyment that you can achieve with little effort. In summer this is almost a piece of cake and in winter all you need is a frost-free room or a greenhouse. So you can grow and enjoy the delicious white and brown mushrooms all year round.

blockquote class="td_quote_box td_box_center">Tip: And you can even grow mushrooms on terraces and balconies, especially since small growing containers only a few Claim space.

By the way, mushrooms are one of the vitamin-rich vegetables that have few calories and can be eaten raw or cooked. So not only do they taste delicious, they also don't harm your figure.

Tip: Pickles sweet and sour mushrooms. It tastes really great and is a great homemade gift from the garden.

Cultivation of Mushrooms

For the cultivation of mushrooms, it is advisable to use a so-called ready-made culture, which you can get in well-stocked garden shops. In most cases, these ready-made cultures also come with instructions that make the respective mushroom cultivation absolutely perfect. When buying, however, you should pay attention to the manufacturer and the origin of the culture. Always look for a seal of approval.

You will then need a coverable seed tray for growing mushrooms, in which you can spread out the finished culture (substrate) flat. Then cover the substrate again thinly with potting soil and moisten it evenly with a spray bottle. Finally put the lid on the bowl and let the mushrooms thrive at temperatures of around 15 to 20 degrees.

Tip: If you don't have a plastic seed tray, you can of course use a wooden box as an alternative. You simply have to line them with foil, fill them equally with substrate and soil and cover them with transparent foil. But of course you can also rely on ready-made mushroom growing kits:

Care for mushrooms properly

During mushroom cultivation you should always keep the soil evenly moist. For this purpose you can moisten the soil with a spray bottle, for example. After this, you should cover your mushroom cultivation as soon as possible.

As soon as the mushroom heads sprout from the ground (from about 2 centimeters growth), you have to remove the cover so that the mushrooms can continue to thrive in the fresh air. You can then cut the mushrooms to the desired size with a knife and prepare them. They can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 5 days.

» By the way: With a ready culture you can usually harvest fresh mushrooms for four months before you have to exchange them for a new substrate. When replacing, you always have to meticulously clean the plastic area.