Heavy soil isn't exactly a gardener's luck, but it's not a drama either, provided you know which plants and shrubs also grow in heavy soil.Very few hobby gardeners work on ideal soil. If the plants do not develop as desired, the cause is often hidden in the soil. Heavy soil makes it particularly difficult for the plants and the gardener. In autumn, digging becomes a feat of strength. The desire to garden often dwindles when the soil is too heavy and too loamy. But some plants don't mind heavy soil, fall back on it if you have found a compromise and do not necessarily have to upgrade or improve the soil.
When is a floor heavy?
Clay and loamy soils are commonly referred to as heavy soils. Clay soils are the biggest concern for the hobby gardener. The soil is so compacted that hardly any air can penetrate and the water can only drain off with difficulty. Few plants really do well in heavy clay soil. Clay soils are also considered heavy and difficult to work with. Nevertheless, there are advantages over clay soil. The soil also contains sand and humus and is therefore slightly more permeable and there is a better chance that garden shrubs will feel comfortable here or at least tolerate the location.
How do I recognize heavy soil?
Now you might be wondering: what floor do I actually have? It is very easy to determine which floor you have. Take a closer look at the substrate. If the soil is dark, it tends to have less clay and more organic material. As you dig a little deeper into the soil, you will notice that the soil becomes lighter in color and the clay content increases.
Has it rained and the water just doesn't want to drain away, but is actually backing up in the beds? Then it can be assumed that the soil is heavy, because the water cannot find a way to drain away. Even if you touch the floor, you get certainty about its condition. If you squeeze the soil and it stays crumbly, you are dealing with light soil. You will easily be able to form a heavy soil into a compact block, which is notdecays.
When heavy soil becomes a problem
Heavy soils have a high clay content and very good storage properties. This is not necessarily an advantage, because due to the stored water, this can quickly lead to waterlogging. Hardly any oxygen can penetrate through such a dense soil. The hobby gardener has a hard time working on heavy soil.
Heavy soil needs to be dug up well in autumn. Since heavy soil does not warm up very well, it is advisable to apply a layer of compost in the spring and to loosen the soil regularly throughout the year.
Plants for heavy soil - Properties
Suitable plants for heavy soil should be robust and resilient. The biggest enemy of most garden plants is waterlogging. If the water cannot drain from the soil, the roots are attacked and many plants rot after a short time.
Tip: Selected plants should feel comfortable near water and also be able to cope temporarily with waterlogging.
What plants like moist soil?
- Forsythia
- Lilac
- Snowball
- Ornamental cherry
Heavy soil in the kitchen garden - is that possible?
If you want to grow fruit and vegetables, heavy soil is not necessarily a hindrance. Knowing how, you can produce impressive harvest results - provided you choose the right plants.
The following crops also grow on heavy soil:
- parsley
- Potatoes
- Leek
- Gooseberry
- Raspberry
- Plum
Help, clay soil!

But the roots of the plants must also have enough air and this is not always the case with loamy soil. If the soil is compacted, the water can no longer penetrate the soil and there is no room for the roots to spread. This means that the plant cannot develop as desired.
Especially during long periods of drought, loamy soil is unfavorable and can become extremely hard andtear. It takes a lot of effort for the hobby gardener to work this soil, and hoes and spades have to be used because the heavy substrate can hardly be moved with simple rakes.
Tip: In spring, clay soils warm up only hesitantly and the plants grow correspondingly slowly.
What can be grown in clayey soil?
- Korea Fir
- White Pied Dogwood
- Knotweed
- Creeping Bugger
- Bloodroot
What garden shrubs can be planted in heavy soil?
Trees and Shrubs
- Mountain
- Lilac
- Elderberry
- Pine
- Magnolia
- Yew
- Forsythia
- Privet
- Cherry Laurel
- Monkshood
- Yarrow
- Deadnettle
- Aster
- Gransbill
- Daylily
- Wood Anemone
- Columbine
- Bergenie
The ideal soil: It's all in the mix
So what does the ideal floor look like? This is where the optimal mix is important. An ideal garden soil is crumbly and has good water retention properties. Adequate nutrient supply is just as important as aeration of the soil. This soil quality is usually only achieved through appropriate preparation. A balanced ratio of the following components is particularly important:
- Tone
- clay
- Humus
- Sand
Before the floor can be upgraded in a targeted manner, you should find out about the condition of the floor. First, take a soil sample and see if there are microorganisms and earthworms in the soil. If this is the case, the soil is living and nutrient-rich.
It is also an advantage if you know the pH value of your soil. Appropriate test sets are available for this purpose in every garden center. You can get more accurate results by sending a soil sample to an appropriate laboratory for analysis.
The floor can be upgraded and repaired in the long term by regularly adding compost, lime, sand, horn shavings or rock flour.
Tip: Dig up heavy soil regularly. This improves ventilation.
Compost not only provides the soil with valuable nutrients, but also ensures that compacted soil is filled with cavities, water can drain off better and more air reaches the roots of the plants.