Dispose of leaves - where to put them?

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Did you know that you have to clear the sidewalk of leaves in front of your house? You can throw it away or put it to good use.

You must remove the leaves that fall from the trees and remain on the sidewalk. By the way, even if the trees are not yours, but from the neighboring property. You are responsible for removing the leaves. You can't blame your neighbors or even store the leaves on public property - that's forbidden. You must also not simply sweep the leaves onto the street. But what to do with all the leaves?

Cities have responded to the issue

Since many do not know where to leave all the leaves, leaf bags are provided in many cities. They are tied to the trees so that residents can dispose of their leaves in them. They are also emptied regularly to allow residents to go about their duties.

Our tip: build a leaf box

If you don't know what else to do with all the leaves, just create a leaf box. To do this, you need to ram four wooden stakes into the ground and wrap them with wire. In there you can now put all the foliage to rot. This is how you kill two birds with one stone: all the leaves have been carefully disposed of and you can also produce nutrient-rich fertilizer yourself.

Use leaves sensibly

Why do you even want to get rid of all that foliage? As you have just learned, you can use it to produce valuable fertilizer yourself. And not only that. You can also put the autumn leaves to good use in many other ways. We have a few examples for you.

» Set up winter quarters for animals:

Of course you can also pile up all the leaves. This creates a wonderful winter quarters for hedgehogs. To do this, simply pile up the fallen leaves in a sheltered place.

» Use foliage as winter protection for beds:

Many plants need protection from the cold in winter so that they can survive the icy temperatures. Simply work the foliage a little into the beds. This way you are also fertilizing the plants at the same time as the leaves rot in the soil and release nutrients.

Some plants, e.g.frost-sensitive roses, like it better when the foliage is piled up on the trunk. So that it doesn't blow away with the slightest breeze, it's best to cover it with branches of brushwood.

» Compost Leaves:

You can of course also compost the leaves and use them as fertilizer for the beds next spring. To do this, just put the leaves on top of the compost and dig them up a bit so the wind doesn't disperse them back into the garden.

» Reading tip: Composting leaves - How to make your own fertilizer.