The autumn gentian feels really comfortable in the rock garden. With proper care, you can enjoy a sea of blue blossoms in autumn.

The blue flowers have a special appeal and convey the symbol of loy alty. However, there are the autumn gentian (Gentiana sino-ornata) in different growth forms with different flowers in many different colors such as white, yellow or purple. In botany it is called Gentiana sino-ornata. Gentian species occurring in Germany are strictly protected and are on the "Red List". For the garden there are autumn gentian grown from seed by nurseries. The seed is planted in the ground before winter. After a good six months, the seeds sprout and enchant the garden with a special sea of leaves and flowers.
Origin of the Autumn Gentian
Gentiana sino-ornata originates in China, where it grows wild in the high mountains. The autumn gentian was discovered by the Scottish botanist George Forrest at the beginning of the 20th century. This gentian has been blooming in the gardens of Europe since 1918. It loves a high level of humidity and thrives best on fresh, well-drained and humus-rich soil because there can be no waterlogging. In the garden, the autumn gentian feels particularly at home in stone layers, turned away from the sun. On hot summer days, the Chinese ornamental gentian is happy about a lime-free watering in the evening.
Autumn gentian and its peculiarities
The robust Gentiana sino-ornata is ideal as a ground cover. It forms a beautiful cushion and an extensive carpet with lush green leaves and an enchanting sea of flowers, which brings color to the autumn garden. Ideally, the autumn gentian is planted in small groups. The Gentiana sino-ornata is also suitable as a potted plant for a touch of Alpine romance on the balcony or terrace.
When planting in the bed, a planting distance of 20 centimeters should be maintained so that the leaves and shoots have enough space to grow and spread. The Chinese gentian grows creeping and spreads all over the ground. The creeping shoots ensure that theAutumn gentian propagated. Small adoptive plants develop on these shoots. If the gentian carpet gets too big, it can easily be divided and transplanted.
Gentiana sino-ornata has similar soil and location requirements as heather and rhododendron. The plants prefer moist and acidic soil, preferably without waterlogging. It usually survives the Central European winter unscathed. Popular locations for autumn gentian are a heather garden or bog beds.
Autumn gentian (Gentiana sino-ornata) | |
Growth: | carpet-like, creeping, partly rooted |
Growth: | 10 - 15 cm |
Growth: | 15 - 20 cm |
Flower: | September to October |
Location: | evening sun |
Floor: | fresh to moist, well-drained, acidic-humic, nutritious |
Plant autumn gentian
Right location for autumn gentian
The autumn gentian should be planted in a sunny to partially shaded spot in the garden. The Genttiana sino-ornata mainly feels at home in stone layers, in beds with fresh, moist soil away from the sun. In addition, so-called rock mats can be applied to the ground. It is important that the structure of the soil is well drained.
An ideal place to plant autumn gentians are also plant stones, which are located as a border around the terrace or on a slope, as well as the classic rock garden with different ground covers. The autumn gentian also does well in the planter if the soil conditions and the right place are chosen.
The best substrate for autumn gentians
Gentiana sino-ornata prefers fresh and moist soil that is well drained where waterlogging does not occur. Potting soil with moisture-retaining clay granules, sand or gravel is added for the planter and good topsoil is also mixed in. A drainage layer should be placed in the planter before filling with soil.
When planting in the bed, make sure that the surfaces are turned away from the sun and that the autumn gentian is not exposed to intense sunlight. The excavated planting holes should be filled with humus, gravel and sand and then the gentian root should be placed on top.
Plant Gentiana sino-ornata correctly
Since the autumn gentian is a ground cover that expands in width, the individual gentian plants should be planted at a distance of 20centimeters are planted. This gives the plants enough space to expand and cover the ground. In combination with garden heather, the blue flowers of the autumn gentian create a beautiful contrast in the autumn garden. Planting time is between spring and autumn!
- choose a partially shaded or sun-protected location
- Dig holes in the ground
- Prepare and fill in the substrate
- Insert drainage when planting in tubs
- Insert autumn gentian and fill up planting holes
- cast
Tip: When the weather is bad and it is dark, the autumn gentian goes to sleep. This impressive spectacle means that when there is little or no natural light, it closes its flowers.
Gentiana sino-ornata care

Water the autumn gentian correctly
Even if the autumn gentian is very robust and hardy, it should be watered regularly. However, the plant does not like waterlogging at all, as excessive moisture can quickly damage the roots.
It is best to keep the autumn gentian evenly moist. How often you have to water it depends on the temperature, the size of the root ball and the sunlight. When watering, make sure that no water gets to the flowers. In addition, the root ball should be a little dry before watering the autumn gentian again.
Gentiana sino-ornata planted in tubs needs more frequent watering because the soil dries out faster. A drainage hole is important to prevent waterlogging in the bucket.
Fertilize autumn gentian correctly
Autumn gentian planted in the garden can be perfectly fertilized with rhododendron fertilizer, natural fertilizer or perennial fertilizer when it first sprouts in spring. A second fertilization can be carried out in July. If the gentian is in a container or box for one season, no fertilizer is necessary.
Tip: It is important to ensure that the root ball is not too dry when fertilizing. This avoids burns from the fertilizer.
Pruning and propagating autumn gentian
If the carpet of autumn gentian in the garden gets too big, it can easily be divided and planted elsewhere. When the flowering period is over, the autumn gentian can be cut back a little. This allows the plant to branch well and does not form seeds. It is therefore important to remove faded flowers. Further measures are not necessary for alpine plants. In rough locations, winter protection is offattached to dry leaves or twigs.
Pests and Diseases of Autumn Gentian
Too much moisture can only lead to fungal diseases, which kill shoots. These shoots should be removed and a more favorable location chosen.