Fight scale insects on Strelitzia - This is how the pests disappear again

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Strelitzias are quite robust. Nevertheless, scale insects can give her a hard time. In the event of an infestation, quick action is required!

Care mistakes, too much or too little water, dry heating air or dried leaves - all of these points can lead to pests spreading to Strelitzia. Scale insects, for example, are quite common pests. Nobody likes to see them and they occur again and again even with the relatively pest-free Strelitzia. The small pests that settle on the underside of the leaves or attack the stems are greenish to brown in color and grow up to four millimeters long.

At first you won't notice any change in the plant. However, if the pests establish themselves, they inevitably lead to leaf loss, since the pests attack and consume the leaf structure. It is therefore always important that you act quickly in the event of an infestation.

How to get rid of scale insects effectively

» Treatment for a mild infestation:

The fight against scale insects can be done in different ways on the Strelitzia. The remedy of choice depends on the degree of infestation.

If you discover the scale insects right at the beginning, you can carefully scrape the pests off or wipe them off the leaves and stems with a water-oil mixture. The elongated leaf shape of the Strelitzia supports this control method. The purpose of the oil is not only to detach the pests without damaging the plant, but also to suffocate the lice. Due to the oil film, the larvae and any lice that are still present are cut off from the oxygen supply and die.

» Treatment for a more severe infestation:

In the case of a stronger infestation, wiping alone is not enough. In this case, you should spray the plant with commercially available products. Recommended is e.g. Naturen Schädlingsfrei. This is a ready-to-use spray based on rapeseed oil that is not only effective against scale insects, but also against whiteflies, aphids and spider mites.

Alternatively, you can also use the Celaflor pest-free Careo concentrate. This isa fully systemic agent that is absorbed by the plant and distributed throughout the plant via the meridians. Biting and sucking insects ingest this remedy and perish.

This is how you can avoid an infestation of the Strelitzia with scale insects

Tip 1: Pay attention to the right care!

If you want your Strelitzia to thrive, you should avoid pest infestation directly. It is particularly important that you are not careless when caring for the Strelitzia. Treat it to a sunny location with sufficient humidity and remove dried leaves and flowers regularly, lay the foundation.

Tip 2: Regular checks in winter quarters

Particular attention is required in winter. The light-hungry plant suffers from the often dark days with little sunshine, which has the effect of weakening its natural defences. Scale insects, but also honeydew or rotting roots are now more common than in summer. You should therefore visit your Strelitzia regularly in winter and check whether scale insects have settled on the leaves.

» Tip: If you don't find any lice but do find honeydew, wipe it off with a damp cloth. The dew is formed from sugars produced by the plant and deposited on the leaves. The sugars form an excellent basis for mushrooms, which is why they should be removed as early as possible.