In the cold winter it becomes extremely difficult for birds to find enough food. Here you can find out how you can or should feed the birds in winter.
Foraging is particularly difficult for native birds when there is a solid blanket of snow in the gardens and over the fields. Or if you have to reckon with frost every day. Only when this is the case should you feed the birds. Because in advance the birds will find enough food in nature!
Species-appropriate winter feeding
We humans can support our wild birds with species-appropriate winter feeding during the cold season. You have to consider that this winter feeding must then also take place regularly, i.e. throughout the winter until early spring, because the animals quickly get used to a feeding place. Here are a few more tips to keep in mind when feeding birds in winter:
❍ Tip 1:
Always select the feeding place in such a way that other animals (e.g. cats) cannot harm the birds while they are eating. For example, hang fat balls high enough!
❍ Tip 2:
If there are large window panes near the feeding places, you should stick black bird stencils on them. This will prevent the animals from flying into it and injuring themselves.
❍ Tip 3:
Use bird feeders (buy here) or feed silos (buy here) that allow multiple birds to hang out at the same time. You can also make a bird feeder out of a clay pot.
❍ Tip 4:
Make sure that feedstuffs that are spread do not form mould. It is best to always offer the birdseed slightly covered.
❍ Tip 5:
Clean the feeding area (possibly with hot water) regularly to avoid pathogens.
❍ Tip 6:
For feeding, use fat balls, outdoor winter feed mix, sunflower seeds, raisins or oatmeal.
❍ Tip 7:
Potatoes, bread, bacon and other mostly water-based feedstuffs should not be offered to the birds. This can harm the animals and ultimately even lead to death!
❍ Tip 8:
Watch the birds during thefood intake only. Do not disturb the animals while they are eating.