A four-leaf clover brings good luck. But not if it grows in the bed where it is undesirable. But how do you get rid of the clover?
Clover can be very stubborn not only on a green area, but also in beds. In itself, clover looks very pretty, especially lucky clover, but it can form a large carpet in a very short time and almost completely cover the ground. With a green manure with clover, this may be desirable, but otherwise it is quite annoying. After all, it is very tedious and time-consuming to remove the plants again and again.As with everything else in life, you just have to know how to help yourself. With one or the other trick you can prevent clover from spreading in the bed from the outset.
» Reading tip: Removing clover in the lawn - 2 tips
Prevention of clover in the bed
» Tip 1 - lay out weed fleece:
If you are laying out a new bed, you should think about prevention, both in terms of clover and other weeds. It is best to lay out a weed fleece in the beds. This is the best way to avoid weeds.
» Tip 2 - apply bark mulch:
Alternatively, you can apply a layer of bark mulch. This can also reduce the growth of clover and other weeds.
The best solution would of course be a combination of weed control fabric and bark mulch, as this will save you a lot of work in the future.
Fight clover in the bed
» Tip 3 - weed regularly:
Permanently getting rid of clover is difficult as it is both a root and seed weed that spreads easily and quickly. If you want to fight clover with manual measures, summer is the best time to do it - before the seeds are formed. To do this, simply carefully loosen the soil with a digging fork and pull the little plants out of the ground. It is important that you catch the clover together with the root.
With this control method you will at least have peace of mind from the weeds for a while. However, it won't be too long before the clover reappears. However, if you weed the clover regularly, you will become quite good at chess that waycan hold.
» Tip 4 - Lay out the bottom foil:
Manual elimination is only advisable when a relatively small area is covered with clover. With large areas, the effort would be far too great and you would be constantly busy. So if the beds are large, you have to think about another solution.
One possibility is to cover the bed with a translucent soil film, which you must stretch over the bed for a period of four weeks (leaving out the plants). As a result, the clover hardly gets any more oxygen and slowly withers.
Chemistry is not a solution
Many think that in stubborn cases only the chemical club can help. They then resort to weed killers that are supposed to eradicate the clover completely. But that is often not the case: even with a weed killer, the clover is not destroyed forever. After a few weeks, the effect wears off, so you have to use the remedy again. However, this is not exactly environmentally friendly. So it is better to lay out a garden fleece when creating the bed or use a soil foil to control a bed that has already been created.