If you want to keep chickens, you have to give them a free range as well as a coop. This must meet certain criteria.
Eggs from happy chickens or straight from the chicken coop - a great idea, right? But if the decision is made to keep chickens in the garden, then not only a chicken coop is needed, but also a free range. Because chickens need exercise every day.The optimum would of course be a free run in the entire garden. If you don't want a picture-perfect garden with perfectly laid beds and an English lawn, then this is the best solution. This form of husbandry is the most species-appropriate for the chickens and corresponds approximately to their natural habitat. The chickens look for food themselves and have a lot of exercise, so obesity is almost impossible.
Freewheeling in the entire garden also has disadvantages
But as nice as this variant of keeping the animals is, it also has a major disadvantage. Chickens belong in the coop in the evening and it is not easy to lure them into the coop, so they often spend the night outside. This makes them easy prey for other animals while they sleep.
Sometimes a free run in the entire garden cannot be implemented at all. For example, not if the property is on a busy road that could pose a danger to the animals. Or if you decide on a breed that is not suitable for uncontrolled freewheeling. In this case, chicken farming could easily spiral out of control. This is exactly when a fenced-in freewheel is needed. And this in turn should fulfill some important points.
Tips for putting on a freewheel
» Tip 1 - Provide two freewheel areas:
Of course, all chickens need their freedom, no matter what breed or size. However, it is safer to restrict free range by fence off an area next to the chicken coop. However, since this area is exposed to heavy wear and tear every day from scratching and the animals' excretions, you should provide two areas for this, which you then make available alternately. This is of course only possible if there is a lot of spaceavailable.
» Tip 2 - offer different surfaces:
In a free range, you should always provide the chickens with different surfaces. However, gravel or sandy soils are not suitable because they quickly become muddy. However, the following substrates are recommended:➥ Lawn:
Lawn is of course the first choice, because chickens love the green areas. However, you then have to accept that the green will quickly suffer from the stresses. The chickens will usually work the lawn until there is hardly a blade left. In that case, it's ideal if you have a second spout so you can switch until the first one has regenerated.
A good compromise would be laying grass pavers. Grass can sprout freely through the openings in the panels, making it available for the chickens to eat. On the other hand, they cannot scratch on such an area, so the green remains permanently. The disadvantage of this floor covering, however, is that the excrements of the animals can collect in the depressions.
➥ Concrete:
A concrete surface is particularly easy to keep clean. However, you can imagine that this flooring is no fun for the chickens. The animals must be able to scratch, which is why you must apply a layer of sand or earth with a height of at least 20 centimeters in this case. You then have to renew this layer from time to time to ensure hygiene.
» Tip 3 - offer sand for scratching and bathing:
Chickens need and love sand for scratching and bathing. So if you don't have a sandy area throughout the run, you absolutely must set up an area with sand. For the sand bath, you should dig the ground 40 centimeters deep and then fill this pit with a mixture of sand and some charcoal. There needs to be a canopy over it so the sand doesn't get wet.» Tip 4 - Offer sunny and shady places:
The enclosure for the chickens must have both sunny and shady areas. Chickens love to be in the sun, but they need to be able to retreat to the shade at all times. It is therefore best to place the sand bath in a sunny corner.
Shrubs and trees are the ideal shade providers for running around. These plants also provide a certain amount of protection for the animals, because chickens also hide under them in the wildenemies. Conifers or conifers are ideal. In any case, the plants must be hardy and robust, since people love to scratch under them.
Extra Tip:
If you plant berry bushes such as raspberries or blackberries, they also serve as a source of food for the chickens.
» Tip 5 - fence in free run:
The free run must be fenced all around and covered with wire mesh. This is the only way to effectively deter enemies and avoid plagues. The fence should be at least 180 centimeters high so that animals that fly from time to time cannot escape. Since the chickens like to scratch everywhere, you must also sunk the fence deep enough into the ground.