Keeping chickens in the garden - These preliminary considerations are important

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You can only keep chickens on a farm? Of course not! With the right planning, you can also keep chickens in the garden.

If you aspire to keeping chickens, you don't necessarily have to have a farm for it. Keeping chickens is also possible in smaller gardens, because the animals are very frugal. You don't need a luxury stable. You just have to meet their needs and keep them species-appropriate. With appropriate attention, they can even become really tame over time and even climb on your arm. So you can not only benefit from fresh eggs, but also enjoy the trusting pets.

But before you start planning the free range or even building a chicken coop, you should think about a few important points. Only if there are no problems here, nothing stands in the way of keeping chickens in the garden.

You should think about this beforehand:

1. Do the neighbors agree?

Before you even think about keeping chickens, talk to your neighbors about it to avoid trouble later. In densely populated residential areas, you should avoid keeping chickens out of consideration anyway; this is only possible without any problems in rural areas. If you plan to keep chickens, you must also inform the responsible veterinary office.

2. Which chicken breed is suitable?

Not every breed of chicken is equally suitable for keeping in the garden. Basically, you should give preference to smaller breeds. Bantam chickens are particularly recommended because they do not have as great an urge to move as is the case with large breeds. Of course, it is always desirable for animals to have as much space as possible, but you can also offer bantams a species-appropriate life in smaller areas.

You're most likely to get chickens from the breeder. There you also have a good contact person if questions or problems should arise, which is particularly important for beginners. You can get addresses of reputable breeders from the poultry breeding association, for example. There you can also get detailed information in advance before you fully immerse yourself in your new hobby. The prices for the animals areOf course, this varies: for a young animal up to 12 months old, you have to reckon with an average of 10 to 15 euros.

3. What is the minimum number of chickens?

How many bantams you bring into the garden naturally depends on the space available. However, you should keep a group of at least four to five hens. For a large chicken, you have to roughly calculate an area of 10 square meters. In addition, there is a floor space of one square meter in the chicken coop for a maximum of five animals. However, this space in the barn is only sufficient if you also provide the chickens with a sufficiently large run.

4. What is required?

➤ Freewheel:

Chickens need a free range so that they can scratch as they please. However, they do not need a huge area, because they do not like long distances. Of course, it would be ideal if the chickens had free access to the entire garden. But then you should not place too much value on accurately laid out and well-kept beds and a beautiful ornamental lawn, because the animals will not pay any attention to it. Even freshly planted plants are not safe from them. So you have to accept significant compromises in the appearance of your garden.

It is recommended to completely fence in the run and also to protect it from other animals with a grid from above. This is also important for preventing animal diseases. You should also integrate shrubs and trees into the free range, under which the animals can find shelter. They also need an area with sand to scratch and take a sand bath in.

➤ Chicken Coop:

A chicken coop is an absolute must if you want to keep chickens in your backyard. You should insulate this sufficiently, because the chickens stay outdoors all year round. On top of that, the chicken coop should have enough perches. Several nests are also required for laying eggs.

➤ Lining:

One feed alone usually does not cover the need for all the necessary nutrients, which is why you should combine different ones with each other. In addition, the chickens also eat grass, small insects, berries, worms, leaves and various seeds.