Insert garlic cucumbers - step by step instructions

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Garlic pickles from the keg are a true delicacy, but also quite expensive. Just make the garlic pickles yourself!

Gherkins are very popular with young and old and can be used in many different ways in the kitchen. Whether pure or as an accompaniment to potato salad, beef roulade, Strammen Max, sausage salad and sliced meat - the cucumbers give every dish the right kick. But in the long run, the taste of pickles can become quite boring. Then you should definitely try something new: namely garlic cucumbers. They are a great delicacy and easy to pickle yourself. We'll show you how.

Ingredients for pickled garlic cucumbers (500ml jar):

  • Sea S alt
  • Water
  • small pickles
  • 1 bulb of garlic
  • 165 ml white wine vinegar
  • 80 ml water
  • 10 g cane sugar
  • 2 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp white peppercorns
  • Dill
  • Rosemary
  • Basil


➥ Step 1:

First you need to thoroughly clean the cucumbers with a brush under running water. Then poke holes with a toothpick or needle.

➥ Step 2:

Then place the cucumbers in a bowl. Cover them with water and add some s alt. You must now let the cucumbers soak in this s alted water in a cool place for 24 hours.

➥ Step 3:

You can process the cucumbers further after 24 hours. To do this, first remove the cloves from the garlic bulb and peel them off carefully.

➥ Step 4:

Put the water, vinegar, sugar, pepper and mustard seeds in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Then the garlic cloves are added to the broth and boiled for about 20 minutes so that they become nice and soft. Then fish the garlic out of the broth and layer it alternately with the herbs and cucumbers in screw-top jars.

➥ Step 5:

Boil the stock again very briefly and then pour it over the vegetables while still hot so that they are completely covered. Close the jars tightly immediately and then leave themat least four weeks.