Ornamental asparagus are not white or green asparagus spears from the ground. It is an undemanding, graceful plant that is easy to plant.

Planting ornamental asparagus (Asparagus densiflorus) is not difficult: you just have to make sure that the drainage works, a nutrient-rich substrate and a sufficiently large planter. If you then water the ornamental asparagus properly, you have done everything right. Your plant will then thrive and become a small eye-catcher in the apartment or on the balcony.
How to properly plant ornamental asparagus
❶ Remove ornamental asparagus from old pot and clean
Spring is the best time to plant or repot ornamental asparagus. To do this, first carefully pull the plant out of the old pot. Grab your hands as low as possible and wear gloves to protect yourself from the thorns. Next, hold the root ball under running water until most of the old substrate has been washed out. It doesn't hurt if a little soil gets stuck inside the root ball.
If you have previously watered your ornamental asparagus with tap water, you may discover small or heavy deposits of lime in the upper area of the root ball. Remove significantly crusted strands with a sharp, clean knife.
❷ Fill drainage in new planter
The new planter should be at least a quarter larger than the cleaned root ball. Fill in a layer of gravel, pumice or clay granulate here. The layer is used for drainage, i.e. the problem-free drainage of excess water that collects in the pot. If you later notice standing pools of water in the saucer or saucer after watering, this is an indication that you have watered too much. In this case, simply discard the water and water a little less in the future.
❸ Insert root ball
Put a thin layer of substrate on top of the drainage. Commercially available potting soil or nutrient-rich garden soil are well suited. Place the root ball in the pot and fill in the free space with substrate. It is recommended thatPut ornamental asparagus quite deep in the pot. Experience has shown that over the next year or two the roots will push up and lift the plant.
❹ Put ornamental asparagus in the water bath
Place your newly planted ornamental asparagus in a water bath so that the substrate can soak up the water. When the bubbles stop rising, remove the pot and drain the excess liquid. Then move the plant to its new location. A bright place in the house without direct sunlight is best for ornamental asparagus.