Get a Deutzia in the garden and you will have a lot of fun with it. In the right location, it will not require much care.

Anyone who likes hydrangeas will certainly also enjoy Deutzia: these ornamental shrubs from Asia, which bloom delicately in late spring, not only create an opaque area in spring and summer, but also enchant people all over the world with their romantic and playful blooms. The fact that the ornamental shrub is easy to plant and care for makes it all the more popular with hobby gardeners. With the many different subspecies, all tastes are also met when it comes to flower color and growth height. Even those who have not yet had any experience in planting and caring for ornamental plants usually get along well with the magnificent Deutzia. Nevertheless, it is important to take care of it in a species-appropriate manner in order to support growth and to be able to enjoy the true splendor of flowers all summer long. We describe how to do this below.
Suitable location for the Deutzie
When it comes to Deutzia, you should always be able to offer a very sunny location - the sunnier, the better. Although the plant also tolerates partial shade or shade, this prevents it from developing and showing its true blooms, so that in late spring you have to do without the beautiful look. At the same time, the plant does best in a sheltered location that is not too cold and windy. So you should simply avoid the shade of other plants or buildings, as well as prevent cold drafts. Then the plant usually grows splendidly. Because Deutzia do not place very many requirements on soil and care. By the way, Deutzia can grow up to four meters high, depending on the variety, so you should plan a suitable place for their growth beforehand.
Care of Deutzia
When it comes to the right care that supports the growth of the Deutzia and helps the plant to appear splendid and he althy for several years at a time, the watering, fertilizing, cutting and overwintering must be right. It is practical that Deutzians hardly make any claims in all categories and are quite easy to keep.
❀ Pour Deutzie
The watering of the Deutciashould take place in such a way that the soil around the plant is not dry but also does not become too wet. That means regular but moderate watering is very important. You should always check whether the soil is still moist enough before watering again - otherwise waterlogging will form, which the plant does not tolerate well at all. If you want, you can regularly loosen the soil around the plant and cover it with mulch so that moisture is stored well but does not accumulate. Of course, it has to be watered more when there are dry periods or when they are imminent - this way you can supply the ornamental plant with sufficient water as a preventive measure. Even after planting the Deutzia, it is important to water them sufficiently, but not too much, to allow the plant to grow properly. A layer of gravel in the Deutzia planting hole helps the water drain off better to keep waterlogging away.
❀ Fertilize Deutzia
Also, when it comes to fertilizer and compost, the Deutcia are very easy to please. Although nutrients are required in large numbers, they are often sufficiently supplied by the soil, so that the gardener does not have to do any additional work and can pretty much do without fertilizer. If you still want to do something good for your plant, you can give it some fertilizer or compost once a year, preferably in spring, to prepare it for the coming flowering. If the soil quality at your location is not too good or the Deutzia only grow sparsely, you can fertilize about once a month. However, the soil should also be given some care by loosening it up and adding substrate to support the plant in the long term.
❀ Cut Deutzia
In this regard, too, most species of Deutzia save their owners a lot of work because they only grow very slowly. In fact, many subspecies grow so slowly and don't take up much space that the gardener doesn't need to prune them at all. Many hobby gardeners find this property of the Deutzia particularly desirable, since an incredible amount of work can be saved every year. Because many other garden plants already cause enough trouble in this regard. However, avid gardeners can make some tweaks if they want to rejuvenate their Deutzia or keep them even he althier.
So it is very helpful for the plant if faded flowers are separated and completely removed after the summer. A slight but not radical pruning can also be beneficial for the plant, for example to rejuvenate it and reveal younger woodbring to. This cut is to be carried out in autumn so that the Deutzians receive a portion of care before winter.
❀ Wintering Deutzia
Since the Deutzia can be kept for several years, it has to be brought through the winter properly - but this requires a lot of help from the owner, since not all varieties are very hardy themselves. Deutzia lose their leaves at the beginning of winter, but are mostly frost-proof themselves, so that you don't have to worry too much about overwintering even without protective measures. However, a little help can do no harm if you want to keep the plant for a long time. Therefore, after shedding the leaves, a protective fleece bandage can be placed around the plant, covering the empty branches. Fir branches or mulch on the bottom of the plant will protect the roots from frost and trunk. However, more protective measures are really not necessary with Deutzia, so that you can save some care and thus time and effort here. Another advantage of the ornamental plant.