Kaki care: Important care tips for pot and outdoor plants

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Although the persimmon tree comes from East Asia, it also thrives very well in our gardens. However, you have to give the tree a little care for it.

It belongs to the fruit tree family. In the spring it blooms profusely and in a pale yellow color and the small, hard fruits ripen in the summer. Persimmons are edible but have relatively little taste. Refined forms are referred to as Sharon fruits. This is a persimmon cultivar from Israel.

Kaki trees are popular for their beautiful flowers and dense, dark green leaves. Smaller plants are also suitable for keeping in buckets without any problems. From the age of three, the persimmon tree can also grow in the garden. However, if you want to keep it in a bucket, then you have to follow a few rules when caring for it.

How to properly care for a persimmon tree in a pot

Planter and Location:

The persimmon tree is undemanding if it is in a sunny spot and has loose, nutrient-rich soil. If you want to keep a persimmon tree in a bucket, a large and stable container is important. Provide good drainage using potsherds, gravel, or perlite, and make a hole in the bottom of the pot for excess watering and rainwater to drain.

A permeable and humus rich soil is ideal. Use a mixture of loose garden soil and compost enriched with horn shavings. Insert the tree and place the bucket in a sunny and wind-protected place. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly plant a persimmon tree.

Water and fertilize:

In summer, the container plant needs plenty of water. Once a month - from April to September - the persimmon tree tolerates an organic fertilizer, for example guano. The tree already sheds its leaves in late summer, the fruits only ripen afterwards.


Young trees are not frost hardy. From November they should therefore move to a cool and bright winter quarters. In winter you only need to water very rarely. The substrate should not dry out completely. Too much water isn't good for the plant either.

How to care for a persimmon tree in the gardencorrect


The persimmon tree grows well outdoors if you live in a region with a mild climate or at least have a sheltered spot with lots of sun for the tree. A location on a southern house wall, for example, is ideal.


At the age of two to three years, the tree is big enough to be able to stay outdoors all year round. The soil and care are similar to those in tubs. Before planting, you need to dig up the soil thoroughly and work in compost. In the pot and in the bed, the young persimmon tree is grateful for a support, because then it grows straight. Simply put a wooden pole together with the tree and tie the fruit tree with raffia.


Start thinking about good winter protection from late autumn: A thick layer of brushwood, straw or bark mulch provides warmth in the root area, for example. Wrap the trunk in a layer of plant fleece to be on the safe side. As long as the tree is still small, you should also protect the crown. Preferably with a jute sack.