In the cold season, the garden normally goes into a kind of hibernation. But there are still trees and shrubs that really blossom in winter.
Winter in Germany is a surprise every year, because while it is bone-chillingly cold in other areas, temperatures in Germany can still be above plus. Normally the garden is left alone in winter, but there are trees that can also delight us with their blooms in December. However, it needs a bit of care so that you can experience the "second spring".Don't buy small plants
The first thing to look for when buying hardy shrubs is the size of the plants. Small specimens are usually much cheaper, but are also much more vulnerable. Because they don't have enough strength yet, the danger that they will die is great.
Pay attention to the right planting time
You must also pay attention to the right time for planting. Even if it is generally said that you can always plant unless it is too dry and too hot, with young shrubs such as hibiscus, maple or bearded beard it is better to stick strictly to the planting dates in April and May.
Picture gallery: winter bloomers
Winter snowball - © kaczmarek104 -
Mahonia - © M. Schuppich -
Cornelian - © LianeM -
Seidelbast - © Schlesier -
Witch Hazel - © seite3 -
Hazel - © Kerry -
Protect trees and shrubs in winter - straw and fleece help
Help the trees survive the cold winter by covering the plants with straw or a fleece mat. This wraps around the wood. This should be done in December at the latest and not removed too early. In spring, when the days are already very warm, there can still be night frosts. Incidentally, a layer of mulch or brushwood is sufficient for smaller trees. As long as there is no frost, it is always good to water the trees sufficiently again.