Wood and tile are the most common materials used for pool surrounds. There are other options that make work even easier.
Lying by the pool, letting your legs dangle in the water and switching off from everyday life - there is nothing nicer after a hard day's work. In addition to soothing music and a few green plants, the perfect idyll also includes the optimal pool border. After all, the pool as a whole should fit into the overall appearance or even stand out with its special look.There are now a number of options for pool surrounds. But this also includes material that is less suitable as a pool border than others. Some require more intensive care, while others require greater care. Here everyone has to decide for themselves which material is the right one according to their own conditions.
Here is an overview of the most common methods and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
6 ideas for designing your pool surround
Piles were probably the most commonly used pool border in the past. There are countless designs and shapes, so everyone is sure to find the right one for their taste.
A little tip: Did you know that there are now outdoor tiles with a wood look (seen on archiexpo.de)?
The disadvantage of tiles, however, is that they are very slippery when they get wet. And that's essential when it comes to the pool. Fast running or romping around while having fun in the pool are therefore taboo to avoid injuries.
There are also a few things to consider when laying the substructure and laying. That is why we strongly recommend that you consult a professional. Another disadvantage is that tiles are quite susceptible to frost. So it can happen that the tiles break after a very cold winter, even despite the "frost-resistant" label.
Natural stone:
A slightly better or more resistant variant is natural stone. This material is not only easy to care for, but also resilient. The most suitable are hereNatural stones with a porous surface, such as:
- Sandstones
- Travertines
- Limestone
- Granite
- slate
Natural stone for outdoor use is also roughened for safety reasons. This state is achieved by various methods.
- laser
- Flames
- Chemotechnical treatment
Travertine is the most popular natural stone for pool surrounds (seen on wohnrausch.net). This stone has open cavities of different sizes. These ensure better heat retention. In addition, the stone creates a Mediterranean flair with its look and thus conjures up a holiday mood in your own garden.
Most people prefer to integrate wood into their garden. It exudes cosiness, warmth and looks natural - perfect as a pool border, you might think. Unfortunately, that's not quite the case. Wood is not just wood. For pool surrounds, choose wood that will not splinter and has some resistance to moisture and other weather conditions.
Exotic and domestic woods are available for selection. Exotic woods such as teak and bangkirei are robust and resistant to pests. The downside, however, is that not only are they pretty hard to come by, but they also require a lot of maintenance. After all, you don't want to renew the pool surround within the next few years.
Douglas fir and larch are the most popular domestic woods. Both varieties are resistant to fungi and insect infestation. They do not have to be chemically treated and are therefore 100 percent biodegradable later.
The disadvantage of both types, however, is that the wood loses its reddish-brown color the longer it is exposed to the elements. After a while, however, a noble silver gray develops. Whether you like this or not is of course a matter of taste.
» My tip: If you still want to use exotic wood, you should definitely pay attention to the FSC seal (more information on this at fsc-deutschland.de).
By the way, wood heats up considerably when exposed to intense sunlight. In the pool area, this can sometimes lead to "burning" feet.
WPC has become a major "competitor" to wood. This is a composite material made of wood and plastic (WPC=Wood Plastic Composite). These wooden floorboards consist of approx. 60 percent wood and 40 percentPlastic. Due to the high proportion of plastic, however, a lot of raw materials and energy are required during production. However, in contrast to pure wood, this material is very easy to care for, durable and mostly splinter-free. So there is no need to worry about injuries.
WPC is technically manufactured and therefore you also have a wide range of colors available. However, the WPC planks are only available in one color - so a typical wood design is not possible.
You should also consider that WPC boards heat up even more than normal wood.
A material that is still relatively unknown is Resysta. This is a 100 percent ecological product. It consists mostly of rice husks. Its properties are very similar to WPC (comparison at wpc-terrassendielen.eu). It is also shatterproof, weatherproof and fungus resistant.
The decisive advantage over WPC is probably the optics. Resysta looks much closer to wood than WPC. In addition, it can be painted and oiled as desired. In addition, this natural product does not heat up and does not absorb any water at all. It is therefore impossible for the planks to swell.
Resysta is still easy to assemble. You only need standard woodworking tools.
In addition to wood, tiles & co., you can also surround the pool with paving stones. With the right choice of paving stones, you can also create a Mediterranean flair or even connect your terrace to the pool without using any additional material.If you want to surround your pool with paving stones, you should make sure that the substructure is chosen correctly. In this case, please ask a professional for help.