In order for almond trees and co. to bloom regularly, these shrubs have to be cut back. That means cutting off the shoots after flowering.
Shrubs are separate plants that you can't just cut back as you like. Especially not if you want them to develop vigorous buds. Spiraea or the almond tree, for example, form short-lived shoots.
Capping shoots
If you don't cut at all here, there will soon be no flowering. That's why you should cut off the shoots on which the flowers were formed after flowering.
Cut off older shoots close to the ground
In addition, all shoots that are more than three years old are cut close to the ground. Of course, you have to know your shrub and perhaps also note the age of the shrubs in your garden planner (which you hopefully have).
Special features of currants and forsythia
With currants and forsythia, for example, things look a little different. Here you can only cut back flowering shoots that are more than three years old. Everyone else, especially those fresh out of the ground, stay where they are.
Pruning out faded shoots
The faded shoots can be cut out. This gives the younger shoots more strength and strengthens their growth. You can find out which shrubs are pruned and how in your nursery.