With these instructions, you too will be able to plant a rhododendron correctly. There are also lots of care tips.

In many places we come across beautifully blooming rhododendrons in the gardens, which unfold their true bloom every year in spring (from around May) and enchant us with their appearance. If you want to plant a rhododendron, you should read this advice article carefully, including instructions and care tips, because a little effort is necessary for the rhododendron to grow he althily and, above all, to bloom.
Planting rhododendrons - instructions
The following step-by-step instructions explain exactly what preparations need to be made before planting in the garden and how to plant the rhododendron in the ground.
- Select Location
Most rhododendron species prefer a sunny to semi-shady location, also protected. The planting should therefore not take place in a windy spot in the garden.
- Prepare the ground
Soil preparation is a prerequisite for lush growth. The soil should be loose and acidic, and the pH should ideally be between 4.2 and 5.5. Use special rhododendron soil or upgrade the soil with acidic peat.
- Dig planting hole
The location has been found and the soil prepared, then it's time to plant the rhododendrons. Dig a planting hole at least twice as wide and deep as the plant's root ball.
- Plant Rhododendron
Depending on its condition, the root ball can be soaked in water before planting. Plant the plant deep enough in the ground that at least 3 cm of the ball surface is below the surface of the soil. If you haven't already, mix the excavation with peat, refill the planting hole, and tamp everything down.
- Water Rhododendron
The main work is now done, finally draw a watering trough around the plant and water the freshly planted rhododendron thoroughly.
» Important: When planting several rhododendrons in the garden, you should make sure that the plants are not too close togetherstand next to each other, otherwise they will hinder each other's growth.
When is the best time to plant rhododendrons?
Rhododendrons are best planted from end of February to mid-May in a partially shaded spot that is also close to deep-rooted trees or other large shrubs can lie. The perennials grow best in moderately humus-rich, slightly moist soil, which can easily be loamy or sandy. Since the rhododendron is hardy, you can also plant it outdoors in autumn - early September to mid-November -. Pot planting is possible all year round, but then the rhododendron needs winter protection.
Caring for rhododendrons - 5 tips
Actually, the rhododendron is quite easy to care for, at least for plants that have been in the ground for a few years. From time to time, however, care measures are necessary, which you should not neglect either.
- Loosen the soil
All rhododendrons are extremely sensitive to compacted soil, which is why you should often loosen or mulch the soil around the plant. You have to be careful of the fine roots near the surface.
- Watering rhododendrons
For optimal care of the rhododendrons, of course, it is also important that the plants are watered regularly, but no waterlogging should occur. Especially in extremely dry winter phases, you should provide the Alpenrose with minimal water.
- Pruning Rhododendron
Pruning the rhododendron plant is generally not necessary. You should only cut off the withered flowers in spring. However, as soon as old perennials become bare from below, a so-called rejuvenation cut should be carried out. The ideal time for this is early spring or autumn. Prune your rhododendron either before or after flowering. You have to cut the plants back to about 50 centimeters in height. Incidentally, you can also carry out this rejuvenation cut if the rhododendron has become too large for you.
- Fertilize Rhododendron
For this purpose, too, specialist shops now have very special rhododendron fertilizers that you should give to the perennials, especially during the growth phase. It is ideal to use a long-term fertilizer that releases its active ingredients to the plants over a period of about 3 months. A two-time application per season is then sufficient. Otherwise you have tofertilize every four to six weeks.
- Pest Control
In the case of leaf spot (fungal disease), you should remove the affected, discolouring leaves from the plant as soon as possible. If pest infestation occurs, for example by the rhododendron plant hopper, this can be combated with pesticides. However, be sure to read the instructions and warnings of the respective manufacturers!
➥ But beware: Many rhododendron species contain toxins contained in the leaves, flowers, fruits and pollen.
Reading tips:
Rhododendron rolls up leaves
Propagating rhododendrons - this is how it's done