Creating a garden plan makes sense. Here you can find out why I use a garden plan and which 3D garden planner software I work with.
At first, my family smiled at me for sitting down at the computer, designing a floor plan of our garden and drawing the plants and flowers in it. I was asked why I would need such a garden plan. One would see what grows where.Well, you might see that in summer when all the plants are in full bloom. But what about spring? In a garden of say 200 square meters, who can remember all the plants that have ever been planted? No human! And that's why a garden plan is such a useful thing.
Garden plan provides an overview
Not only to be able to identify the plants at any time, but also to not accidentally pluck them out. Because that is a risk that should not be underestimated. Especially in spring, when the flowers stick their heads out of the ground, it's easy to mistake them for weeds. Anyone who has a garden plan will have fewer problems here.
And last but not least, a garden plan also helps to put the plants in the right places. Whether sun, partial shade or shade, the plan always shows where there is still space for something newly bought. Handy, isn't it?
3D garden planner
I created the whole thing with the 3D garden planner "The big house & garden package". This software is really ingeniously easy to use and still has a lot of functions. The 3D plant database it contains is also great. That's when you first get to know all the plants that are growing rampantly in the garden.