Witch Hazel - Cultivation and Care

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Blooming witch hazels are a real eye-catcher in the winter garden. Find out everything you need to know about planting and caring for witch hazel here.

Eye-catcher in the garden: the witch hazel

The witch hazel (Hamamelis) is one of the pure winter bloomers and its branches are a little bit like the hazelnut tree. Depending on the variety, it can grow up to 5 meters high and spread out impressively. However, you can keep a witch hazel correspondingly smaller by cutting it regularly but as tightly as possible in the spring. Or you can generally use a short-growing variety (e.g. Arnold Promise or Diane).

» Tip: A witch hazel tolerates regular corrections better than severe pruning. Because the old wood of the tree heals very badly at the interfaces. In principle, a witch hazel does not have to be cut at all.

In addition, the witch hazel with its yellow, orange and red winter blossoms (from around January) exudes a very pleasant scent in the garden, which invites you to linger!

Plant Witch Hazel - Location

Witch hazels are not very demanding, but prefer a sunny to partially shaded location that is as sheltered as possible (e.g. near a house wall). Ideally, you should buy the witch hazel as a container plant and plant it in humus-rich, loosened soil in autumn - the growth period is then 2 to 3 years!

» Tip: You must ensure a generous distance to other trees, because the witch hazel does not tolerate any root competition in the immediate vicinity!

You should also choose the location for a witch hazel very carefully and aim for a long lifespan if possible. Because this type of witch hazel does not tolerate being transplanted, it is often unable to bear any flowers for several years.

Care for Witch Hazel

In general, you should regularly loosen the soil around the witch hazel. You can also pile up the soil around the trunk with a layer of mulch. This then stores sufficient moisture.

» Tip: Before you pile up the mulch layer, you should always work enough compost (nutrients) into the soil - preferably in spring.

TheWitch hazel must be watered regularly on dry summer days. Otherwise, it will hardly show its great blooms in winter. But even severe permafrost can postpone the flowering of the witch hazel a little - into February/March.

In late summer or early autumn you should provide the witch hazel again with a nutrient fertilizer.