The bobbed head is a houseplant that is ideal for beginners due to its easy care. In addition, it is also very easy to propagate. There are two options for this.
Bubi heads (Soleirolia soleirolii) feel at home on many window sills, are often given as gifts and are often cultivated outdoors. The plants are also quite easy to care for and typical beginner plants.
So what could be more obvious than to multiply your bob haircut so that you can soon use more plants for pretty decoration ideas and decorative arrangements.
How to increase the bob head
Propagation is easy to perform and can be done by dividing existing plants or by obtaining cuttings. There are a few things to keep in mind, which we will explain in detail below.
Possibilities of propagation in detail
Reproduction by division
Division is the fastest and easiest form of propagation. A big advantage is that you get a well-developed plant immediately and don't have to spend a lot of time growing it. A prerequisite for propagation by division is the presence of a sufficiently developed mother plant.
» Tip: Transplanting in early spring is an ideal time to divide the plant.
In order to be able to divide the plant, the bobbed head must first be removed from the planter. Proceed carefully here, because bob haircuts have a fine network of roots. Shake off the soil so that the root ball can be seen clearly. Now the plant can be divided. It can also result in several parts. It depends on how big the original plant is. In order for the separated pieces to grow well, there should be enough roots on each section.
The mother plant, rejuvenated by the division, is now placed back in the planter. The small sections get separate planters and are treated like the mother plant.
» Tip: Until the young plants are well established, they need a lot of moisture.
What soil should be used?
The demands on the floor are not particularly high. Conventional garden soil can be used. Sand or gravel should be added to the substrate so that the liquid can drain off well and waterlogging does not occur. A slightly acidic soil gets the bobbed haircut. Adding compost or peat is also beneficial.
Propagation by cuttings
Bubi heads can also be propagated by cuttings. For example, if the mother plant begins to become ailing, cuttings can be cut from the he althy parts of the plant to grow new plants and to dispose of the mother plant that has become unsightly.
When should cuttings be cut?
Spring and summer are the best times to take cuttings. When transplanting in spring, plant parts that have grown too long can be removed and used as cuttings.
How to proceed when propagating cuttings?
Cuttings are only taken from he althy parts of the plant. There should also be enough leaves on the cutting. If the plant was too dark, it quickly develops long, almost leafless shoots. These should be disposed of after pruning and not used as cuttings. A planter is filled with substrate. The soil can reach up to the edge of the bowl or the plant pot, because the cuttings are not planted in the conventional sense, but simply placed on the substrate and then gently pressed down with your hands.
What happens to the planter now?
In order for the cuttings to grow optimally, the planter is placed in a saucer. The cuttings need a lot of moisture, but should not be watered from above. This would damage the tender leaves and the cuttings would rot. The planter is set up as warm as possible, but not in full sun. Growth is accelerated by allowing a microclimate to develop. This is achieved by covering the planter with a plastic bag or glass.
» Caution: The cover should be aired daily if possible to prevent mold from forming.
When will the cuttings root?
In optimal conditions and an ambient temperature of around 23 degrees, the first roots will be visible after eight to ten days. The water tray can now be removed. However, the young plants continue to be watered from below. Fertilization is not necessary in the first year. In standard potting soilcontains the necessary nutrients.
What should you watch out for when caring for young plants?
The young plants need a bright and warm location. Direct sunlight should be avoided. The leaves are particularly sensitive to young plants. Likewise, the tender leaves must not come into contact with moisture. The bob haircut may only be poured from below. Excess irrigation water should be removed from the saucer after about a quarter of an hour. The bob haircut should be watered daily. Fertilization is not necessary for young plants.
» Tip: Avoid standing close to the heater or directly next to the warm flower window.