Steppenkerze - 10 popular varieties presented

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The steppe candle impresses with its high, colorful blossom candles. There are more than 40 species of her. We present the 10 most popular hobby gardeners here.

Fast-growing, easy-care and floriferous, the steppe candle conquers the heart of every hobby gardener. The plants belong to the asphodel family and come in more than 40 species. Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein described the steppe candle (Eremurus) for the first time in 1810. From June onwards, the plant impresses with its tall flower candles, which come in different colours. There are varieties that have classic white flowers, but there are also impressive peach-colored or canary-yellow varieties that shine in many gardens.

» By the way: A flower candle consists of several hundred small flowers.

In the following we would like to give you a little insight into the different species and hybrids.

The top 10 steppe candles

1. Turkestan steppe candle

This variety is guaranteed not to be overlooked in the bed. In ideal locations, these steppe candles grow up to three meters in height. The perennial herbaceous plants need a place in the sun in the bed. They should not be constricted there so that the sprawling plant can develop well. Between June and July, the Turkestan steppe candle delights the viewer with its delicate pink flowers. The original home of this species is in the Pamir Alai Mountains. There, the Turkestan steppe candle inhabits stony mountain slopes. The plants grow at altitudes of up to 1,800 meters.

2. Steppe Candle Bungei

This variety is cultivated particularly frequently in our latitudes. The root tubers have a particularly distinctive starfish shape. The tubers are particularly brittle and should be planted carefully. The Bungei steppe candle grows up to 1.5 meters in height. The flowers, which appear between June and July, come in shades of yellow and pink. When planting, ensure that the soil is rich in nutrients. Sufficient space should be left for neighboring plants such as peonies or delphiniums.

» Tip: The Bungei steppe candle is a very good cut flower and looks particularly good in floor vases.

3.Steppe Candle Pinokkio

This strain grows about a meter tall. The strikingly large orange flowers provide a welcome dash of color in the bed. The flower candles appear particularly pretty in combination with grasses. The plants need a sunny location and well drained substrate. As a cut flower, the steppe candle Pinokkio proves to be extremely durable.

4. Steppe Candle Himalaya

The large, pure white flowers appear in June on the stems that grow up to 2.5 meters high. A particularly pretty contrast is created in front of dark hedges or bushes. The plants are robust and well adapted to our climate. The natural home of the steppe candle Himalaya is in northern Afghanistan, in Pakistan and in the entire north-western Himalayan region. There the steppe candle grows up to an altitude of 3,600 meters.

5. Steppe Candle Aitchison

The Aitchison steppe candle delights with its blossom as early as May. The plants can reach heights of growth of up to two meters. The pink flowers contrast nicely with the deep green foliage. The natural range of the plant is in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the high altitudes of the Fergana Mountains, the plant occurs up to an altitude of 3,000 meters.

6. Steppe candle Bukhara

With a growth height of up to one meter, the Bukhara steppe candle is a rather low-growing species. The inflorescences reach a height of about 30 centimeters. The soft pink flowers appear in June. The Bukhara steppe candle grows in northern Afghanistan on mountain slopes up to an altitude of around 1,500 meters.

7. Steppe Candle Olga

The steppe candle Olga is characterized by its particularly attractive and dense inflorescences. The plant has bare stems. The spherical inflorescences grow up to one meter. Between June and July, the flower spikes show pink flowers on a yellow background. In some cases, white-flowered species also occur. Rocky mountain slopes in northern Afghanistan and Iran are the natural home of this steppe candle. There you will find the plant up to an altitude of 2,700 meters.

8. Sogdian Steppe Candle

The Sogdian steppe candle only grows about a meter in height. Rather unfavorable site conditions lead to a lower growth. The stems are hairy below. The leaves can also be hairy, but are also bare. The inflorescences are spherical and remarkably loose. The Sogdian steppe candle blooms as early as May. The plant originally comes from the steppes of Central Asia, where it grows at altitudes of 2,600 metersoccurs.

9. Merchant Steppenkerze

The Kaufmann steppe candle rarely grows more than one meter in height. The plants have hairy leaves and hairy stems. The inflorescences appear particularly dense and reach a length of up to 40 centimeters. The white flowers have a yellow base and appear in June. The natural home of the Kaufmann Steppenkerze are gravel slopes in the Pamir-Alai Mountains. There the robust plant grows up to an altitude of 3,700 meters.

10. Handsome Steppe Candle

With a growth height of up to two meters, the handsome steppe candle is an imposing sight. The dense inflorescences are about half a meter long. The pale yellow flowers have a wide white border. The handsome steppe candle was already cultivated around 1810. The use as an ornamental plant is rather rare. The plant is native to the Crimean Peninsula, Syria or Turkey.

The most beautiful steppe candle varieties in brief

SteppenkerzeShort Description
Turkestan Steppe Candle
  • impressive size, up to three meters
  • Flowering time June
  • delicate pink flowers
  • Needs a lot of sun and space
Bungei Steppe Candle
  • commonly cultivated variety
  • sensitive tubers
  • yellow and pink flowers
  • Growth height 1.5 meters
Pinokkio steppe candle
  • remarkably large flowers
  • Growth height 1 meter
  • orange blossoms
  • good cut flower
Himalayan steppe candle
  • robust variety
  • big white flowers
  • Growth height 2.5 meters
  • grows up to 3,600 meters in height
Aitchison Steppe Candle
  • blooms in May
  • pink flowers
  • robust
  • Growth height 2 meters
Steppe candle Bukhara
  • Growth height 1 meter
  • Flowering time June
  • delicate pink flowers
  • needs a lot of sun
Steppe candle Olga
  • dense buds
  • Flowering time June
  • blooms pink and white
  • Growth height 1 meter
Sogdian Steppe Candle
  • loose inflorescences
  • hairy stems
  • Flowering time May
  • Growth height 1 meter
Merchant Steppenkerze
  • hairy stems and leaves
  • densityInflorescences
  • Flowering time June
  • grows up to 3,700 meters in height
Nice steppe candle
  • dense inflorescences
  • pale yellow flowers
  • old variety
  • Flowering time May