One of the reasons why the bobbed head is so popular is that it is an undemanding houseplant. However, there are a few care instructions to be observed.

The bobbed head (Soleirolia soleirolii) is one of the most popular indoor plants. It is not uncommon for the plants to have the shape of the trendy hairstyle from the 1920s. Arranged in hanging baskets or plant bowls, the thin leaf veins also grow decoratively downwards. The bobbed head can also be used very well as a ground cover, even outdoors all year round in climatically favorable regions.
You can read here what needs to be considered when caring for this fairly undemanding beginner's plant.
How did the bob haircut get its name and where does it come from?
Hobby gardeners can only create ideal conditions for their plants if they know their origin and history. The natural home of the bobbed head is in the Mediterranean region. The plant is primarily at home on Mallorca, Elba and Corsica. The plants are therefore adapted to the subtropical climate with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Bubi heads prefer to grow on rocks or under trees. The undemanding bob haircut is also often to be found in wall joints or between the tread plates.
The bobbed head owes its name (Helxine soleirolii) to Joseph Francois Soleirol. The botanist collected the plant in Corsica in the 19th century and described it in detail.
Watering the bob haircut properly
The bob haircut needs consistent moisture all year round. This is rather rare with indoor plants. Many representatives are watered only sporadically in winter. For cacti, for example, watering is completely stopped. Even if there should always be sufficient watering, it must not come to waterlogging, because this is the biggest enemy of the plant. It is therefore always important to remove excess water from the planter or saucer.
➔ Tip: Waterlogging is particularly dangerous for the plant when it is cooler. The result is often root rot.
It is very important when watering the bobbed head not to water the plant from above. The bob haircut should always be watered from below. ThatWater is therefore filled directly into the planter or saucer. Special coasters are commercially available. These have a wick that can be pressed into the planter, making it easier to absorb water.
➔ Attention: Standing water should be removed from the coasters and planters after half an hour at the latest. Then the plant has supplied itself with sufficient liquid and waterlogging can be avoided.
Watering the bob haircut in keywords:
- Constant moisture requirement all year round
- Plant must not dry out
- Allow substrate to dry slightly
- always water from below
- Avoid waterlogging
Fertilize the bob haircut properly
The nutrient requirement of the bob haircut can be classified as quite low. Fertilizing with conventional liquid fertilizer for green plants can contribute to he althy plant growth, but should only be done in moderation. Fertilization is only carried out between October and March.
➔ Attention: The fertilizer solution must not touch the leaves of the bobbed head. This could burn foliage.
To avoid contact with the above-ground parts of the plant when applying the fertilizer solution, the fertilizer can be added directly to the irrigation water. If you fertilize your plants from above, you should briefly shower the bobbed head with water after fertilizing and let the leaves dry well.
Fertilize the bob haircut in keywords:
- moderate nutritional needs
- Use liquid fertilizer for green plants
- Fertilize only between autumn and spring
- Leaves must not come into contact with the fertilizer
Does the bobbed haircut have to go to the hairdresser?
It all depends on whether the bob haircut should keep its natural shape or be allowed to grow exuberantly. The plants grow quite quickly and by shortening the shoots, a bushy shape can be obtained or worked out.
➔ Tip: Traffic light plants do not need to be cut.
A distinction can be made between grooming and topiary cuts. In order to maintain the naturally spherical growth, you must regularly trim the plant into shape. Conventional household scissors can be used for this. If you want to show your creativity with the shape cut, you can also try square cuts or turn the bob haircut into a heart.
Pruning is necessary when the plants grow too dense. This can be recognized by the fact that the shoots in the center of the plant begin to wither. Are individual shootsshoot out particularly long without developing enough leaves, these should also be removed. A change of location should be considered, as the plant was probably too dark.
The right care of the bob haircut at a glance
Care Measure | Explanation |
Casting | ▶ The plants have a year-round constant moisture requirement. ▶ The bobbed head must not dry out. ▶ It should always be watered from below. ▶ The remaining irrigation water is to remove from the coasters. |
Fertilize | ▶ The nutrient requirements of the plants are not very high. ▶ Conventional liquid fertilizer can be applied to promote growth. ▶ Bubi heads are only fertilized between autumn and spring. |
Cut | ▶ It is possible to prune the plant at any time. ▶ A topiary maintains the spherical growth or gives the plant any desired shape. ▶ Care pruning causes wilting or too long Shoots removed. ▶ Hanging basket plants do not require pruning. |
What types of bobbed hair are there?
There are no different types of bob haircuts in the traditional sense. All plants belong to the genus Soleirolia soleirolii. However, in the meantime, some cultivated forms have come onto the market whose leaf color differs:
✿ Aadatase - The leaves are fresh spring green.
✿ Argentea - The leaves are covered with a silvery veil.
✿ Aurea - In this cultivated form, some gold mingles with the leaf green.
Is the bobbed hair blooming?
Even though it is rare in cultivated forms, it cannot be ruled out that the bobbed head will produce flowers with good care. However, the flowers are quite inconspicuous. Only one pair of flowers can develop on each flower stalk. So you have to look closely to see the pinhead-sized white flowers.
Fruits are also formed. These are called achenes and represent a special form of nuts. However, the brownish mini-fruit only reaches a diameter of 0.5 centimeters and can only be made out in the dense foliage with a practiced eye.
Recognize pests and diseases on bobbed hair
These are very robust plants. Diseases therefore rarely occur. Pest infestation is also virtually impossible. The bobbed heads are endangered solely because of falseCare.
The most common problem and at the same time the most common care mistake is waterlogging. Incorrect watering behavior attacks the leaves and they begin to wither. The delicate leaves must not be permanently wetted with water. It is therefore wrong to water or even spray the plant from above. The bobbed head only thrives if it is watered from below and standing water is regularly removed from the planters. Waterlogging leads to root rot and the plant can usually no longer be saved.
Wrong location
The plant can also become ill if you choose the wrong location. The bobbed heads tolerate temperature fluctuations very well, but do not tolerate blazing sun. Especially the midday sun at the flower window can cause the leaves to burn. In general, a location directly above the heater is not optimal for the plant either.
Weakened plants can occasionally be attacked by aphids. Aphids can be gently removed by treating the plant with a soft soap solution or by showering it off with lukewarm water.
➔ Tip: The leaves must then be dried well, as the plant does not tolerate wet leaves.